adaliabooks: Hey guys, is anyone available to do a quick test on something for me? Just trying to debug my script but I lack a game that matches what I need to check...
I'm looking for someone who owns a base game that has DLC, but doesn't own the DLC for it.
If your willing, can you go to your library, click the game so the downloads show and then paste this in the console and press enter:
The result (depending on your browser) should be something like this:
Object {available: false, availableToDownload: undefined, languageSelectAvailable: false, systemSelectAvailable: false}
And the properties I'm particularly interested in are available and availableToDownload.
Thanks :)
If not owning the Special Edition upgrade of Shadowgate counts as basegame without dlc ... This is my result:
Object { available: false, availableToDownload: undefined, languageSelectAvailable: false, systemSelectAvailable: false }