Good morning, everyone!
I hope you are all doing well and are having a good start to the day?
So, while Agent is away who is going to volunteer to clean his room? I think a guy should do it, a man-cave is no place for a lady, especially as Agent's room has not been tidied since the thread began. :-)
FearfulSymmetry: Yeah, the sad thing is that my professor actually tried to prevent stuff like this by setting a different version of the book, but the university administration screwed up and put the old one on the booklist ... I'm just glad I can get a refund, because this book is useless for my purposes.
Medieval travel literature. Specifically, how human are the monsters that are described within these stories? You wouldn't believe some of the things these medieval writers made up ... Things like people with huge ears who wrap their ears around themselves to keep warm ... or 'sciopodes', people with one huge leg and foot that they use to shield themselves from the sun. Meanwhile Blemmyes are creatures without heads who instead have their faces on their chests.
Yep, you are a very active person and being cooped up is not fun at all. I bet the animals (and of course the people at the farm as well) really miss you too. I'm really keeping my fingers crossed you'll be well enough to at least get out a bit and do some light work soon.
Hmmmmmmmm .... *prepares super special hug with three cherries on top and half a dozen strawberries*
Sorry for the very late reply.
That is good that you can get a refund, and that you found out now before you are too into the new academic year.
That sounds like an interesting essay, and on a theme that I have read a few times. Many of the monsters of old were in fact people personified as monsters, or sometimes just animals made out to be monsters. I have a few books on English mythology and lore that is full of the kind of things you mentioned, lots of interesting and bizarre tales that in those days were magical, but today is often quite silly.
Damn, I never expected strawberries. :-)
*super epic return hug with 4 whole cherries, lots of strawberries, with an extra portion of blueberries.* :-)
Take care, Agent. We look forward to seeing you again and I hope you have a lovely rest.
(Are you on a secret Mormon mission?) :-)
*lots of big hugs*