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Think i'm going to sleep now - Good Night everyone :)

CarrionCrow: It was an alternating combo of both when I played it. Maybe it was just my computer, but certain characters never got used because there were so many time-based challenges. No way I could clear them without someone with a good movement speed. Once I saw that repeated so many times, at least a couple of the characters never get used.

Maybe they thought it made for tense gameplay, but in actuality it was generally annoying.
Along with that, the character that gives you all the story info (such as it is) is a clear case of people trying too hard to be wacky. So you end up with a character with the sound effect of squawking gibberish babbling away between every mission.
They try to touch on the whole "not a hero" thing by way of mentioning that you might be killing decent police officers during some missions, but it never gets touched on beyond supposed wacky dialogue. Just ends up feeling like they were thinking of putting an actual story in the mix but either didn't want to put in the effort or couldn't figure out how to add in the story elements of gradually putting in the idea that you're just working for a lunatic who doesn't really give a shit about doing good things for people.
I see and i actually can only shake my head when reading just sounds like massive wasted opportunity. I mean i really like wacky stuff - but yet i've no interest in playing that. And the developers proved with OlliOlli that they're able to make funny games.
I suppose in the end it's one of the "it looked good on paper"-games...
Crewdroog: OMG, whatever. Britney and the Backstreet Boys were the best. For realz.
Alrigh, I feel bad about that link. Here is a better one, I promise.

I was up at work early and now i'm done and have tomorrow off, so i'm happy. :) Quiet days can be nice.
CarrionCrow: -laughs- The girl in the bee costume...

I'll take and [url=]this instead, though. Some of the music I still listen to now. =)

Glad to hear it. =) Figuring that working at a hospital can have a lot of stress and long hours. Downtime after that has to feel good.
NIN is my favorite band. Well, up to The Fragile. <3. I knew there was a reason I liked you, good taste!
ElTerprise: Think i'm going to sleep now - Good Night everyone :)
Good night, sleep well.
Crewdroog: NIN is my favorite band. Well, up to The Fragile. <3. I knew there was a reason I liked you, good taste!
I remember the first time I heard Johnny Cash cover "Hurt" - my first thought was "Huh, I didn't know that was originally a Johnny Cash song." Then I saw that Trent Reznor had basically made a comment to the effect of "That isn't my song anymore, that's Johnny's" - it was nice to see a musician so enamored with and with a ton of respect for what another did with his song.

Also - did anyone in here pick up Van Helsing? Specifically II ?

I'm giving Jedi Knight II a few more (k)nights of playtime but $5 bucks for a well regarded Diablo-type game that had some interesting wrinkles and a great setting was too much to resist. I'd like to put in some time with single player first but curious if anyone would like to try and hook up later in the week / weekend?

I'm a pretty good partner, won't steal all your loot and like to take a slower (but not glacial!) pace in multiplayer. Let me know if you're interested!
Crewdroog: NIN is my favorite band. Well, up to The Fragile. <3. I knew there was a reason I liked you, good taste!
Yeah, I don't usually have absolute favorites for things, but if I did, Nine Inch Nails would probably be the one.
Can't say that I've listened to another band for decades solid, no lulls or lapses, like I have with them.
Ixamyakxim: I remember the first time I heard Johnny Cash cover "Hurt" - my first thought was "Huh, I didn't know that was originally a Johnny Cash song." Then I saw that Trent Reznor had basically made a comment to the effect of "That isn't my song anymore, that's Johnny's" - it was nice to see a musician so enamored with and with a ton of respect for what another did with his song.

Also - did anyone in here pick up Van Helsing? Specifically II ?

I'm giving Jedi Knight II a few more (k)nights of playtime but $5 bucks for a well regarded Diablo-type game that had some interesting wrinkles and a great setting was too much to resist. I'd like to put in some time with single player first but curious if anyone would like to try and hook up later in the week / weekend?

I'm a pretty good partner, won't steal all your loot and like to take a slower (but not glacial!) pace in multiplayer. Let me know if you're interested!
Well yeah, it's Johnny Cash. I can't stand country music, but I'm still a fan of his. It's that much better considering that it's someone you can really respect doing the song.
It's still weird having relatives say how much they like the song, though. They have no clue who NIN is, they think it's another Cash song.
Post edited September 16, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Crewdroog: NIN is my favorite band. Well, up to The Fragile. <3. I knew there was a reason I liked you, good taste!
CarrionCrow: Yeah, I don't usually have absolute favorites for things, but if I did, Nine Inch Nails would probably be the one.
Can't say that I've listened to another band for decades solid, no lulls or lapses, like I have with them.
Yup, that's why i'm ok calling them a favorite. of all the bands i love, this is the most consistent. and i can go back to any album of their's i own and listen to it and like it as much as the first time. Unlike say, Pearl Jam. Used to love them, now it's meh.
hi guys, i need help, in the past iv had no difficulty, but now i am trying to open the setup for a game i have downloaded and literally nothing is happening, not even after an hour of waiting, gog installer doesnt work anymore so have downloaded through windows. but wont even open
Crewdroog: Yup, that's why i'm ok calling them a favorite. of all the bands i love, this is the most consistent. and i can go back to any album of their's i own and listen to it and like it as much as the first time. Unlike say, Pearl Jam. Used to love them, now it's meh.
Sounds the same as me. Coming up on a couple solid decades, and they're still a go-to for any late night music session.

Pearl Jam was okay to me at the time, but wasn't ever a major fan of it. Pretty sure I soured on them after the 400th time of seeing Jeremy on TV.
CarrionCrow: Well yeah, it's Johnny Cash. I can't stand country music, but I'm still a fan of his. It's that much better considering that it's someone you can really respect doing the song.
I'm in the exact same boat. It really is impressive when someone is just that *good.* And yup it really showed me how much both artists were stand up guys - one for pouring his heart into the song and the other for being completely in awe of what the first did with it.
twanface83: hi guys, i need help, in the past iv had no difficulty, but now i am trying to open the setup for a game i have downloaded and literally nothing is happening, not even after an hour of waiting, gog installer doesnt work anymore so have downloaded through windows. but wont even open
Should be as simple as downloading the installer and then double clicking on the saved file.
You may want to try the download again, it may have got corrupted the first time.
Otherwise contacting support is my only suggestion.
Good luck.

CarrionCrow: Well yeah, it's Johnny Cash. I can't stand country music, but I'm still a fan of his. It's that much better considering that it's someone you can really respect doing the song.
Ixamyakxim: I'm in the exact same boat. It really is impressive when someone is just that *good.* And yup it really showed me how much both artists were stand up guys - one for pouring his heart into the song and the other for being completely in awe of what the first did with it.
I hadn't heard that song before, very powerful stuff.
Post edited September 16, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane
EndreWhiteMane: I hadn't heard that song before, very powerful stuff.
Not exactly one to recommend when someone already feels like shit, since it'll kick them in the teeth mentally.
Also, as a followup to what Endre said, make sure you download all the files you need and have them in the same place when you run the setup. Perhaps in the past using the downloader you haven't had to (I don't know, I don't use the downloader) but with Browser downloading you sometimes need two, three or even more files - all in the same place.

And I'll reiterate redownloading if you still can't get it working - something may have gotten borked sailing down those intertubes ;)
Crewdroog: NIN is my favorite band. Well, up to The Fragile. <3. I knew there was a reason I liked you, good taste!
Ixamyakxim: I remember the first time I heard Johnny Cash cover "Hurt" - my first thought was "Huh, I didn't know that was originally a Johnny Cash song." Then I saw that Trent Reznor had basically made a comment to the effect of "That isn't my song anymore, that's Johnny's" - it was nice to see a musician so enamored with and with a ton of respect for what another did with his song.

Also - did anyone in here pick up Van Helsing? Specifically II ?

I'm giving Jedi Knight II a few more (k)nights of playtime but $5 bucks for a well regarded Diablo-type game that had some interesting wrinkles and a great setting was too much to resist. I'd like to put in some time with single player first but curious if anyone would like to try and hook up later in the week / weekend?

I'm a pretty good partner, won't steal all your loot and like to take a slower (but not glacial!) pace in multiplayer. Let me know if you're interested!
Yeah, I totally forgot about that. I hear Trent's original now and it just doesn't feel the same. Cash's was just so gripping and sad. I mean damn sad. Trent's is pretty, Cash's is real.
Crewdroog: Yeah, I totally forgot about that. I hear Trent's original now and it just doesn't feel the same. Cash's was just so gripping and sad. I mean damn sad. Trent's is pretty, Cash's is real.
To me, it's two life experiences affecting the song. With the original, it's someone who's miserable, full of self-loathing and expressing that no matter how hard they try, they'll always fail anyone they care for and mess them up in the process.
With Cash, it feels like someone who's got a long lifetime of screw-ups and regret that are eating them alive, more so since any tiny chance to make things better is gone since those involved have died and he's the only one left. So now he's just stuck waiting to die himself with nothing but ghosts in his head.
hello beautiful gog forum. I'm going to play a more shadows now. and probably more crimsonland. I'm going install another AAA title soon. keep on being awesome.