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Crewdroog: OMG, whatever. Britney and the Backstreet Boys were the best. For realz.
Alrigh, I feel bad about that link. Here is a better one, I promise.

I was up at work early and now i'm done and have tomorrow off, so i'm happy. :) Quiet days can be nice.
CarrionCrow: -laughs- The girl in the bee costume...

I'll take and [url=]this instead, though. Some of the music I still listen to now. =)

Glad to hear it. =) Figuring that working at a hospital can have a lot of stress and long hours. Downtime after that has to feel good.
Nine Inch Nails? I am not surprised.
They kept the 3 other decent bands company that decade. :-)
CarrionCrow: The main problem with Not A Hero is that it deals in repetition heavily. You don't have a map, you need to figure out the route, then do the same route every time until you beat the level, along with clearing whatever challenges they throw at you.
If there isn't a time limit, you might run across things like needing to save hostages. If you enter a room with a hostage, the gunmen will be looking a certain direction. So you have to go through the level and figure out the route to attack them from behind.
It got very old, very fast.

Also, Not A Hero is a weird combination of either being too easy, or too hard in that repetitive, frustration-inducing way. If you don't give a crap about the challenges, you'll get through the levels a lot faster. But that's not necessarily a good thing, since there are only 21 levels.
Your health regenerates over time, so you could gradually go through every level, every fight, hugging cover at all times and crawling along progression-wise.

Yes, I think it is. The person who made Ronin included a kind of automatic checkpoint system. After every big fight, after each object you find (in the game you have to access computers to get intel on targets), it saves so you're not having to go back time after time.
Whoa now i'm really happy i decided to not get Not a Hero and it was tempting in the current sale but all the things you described sound either boring or really infuriating....looks like the developer never played their own game ....

That's good - although i usually prefer manual saving :)
The one think I hate most about chavs is that to express their individuality they become exact copies of others. Hell they even guffaw the same way.

It makes me think they're clones.

So what's going on over 'ere?
EndreWhiteMane: Nine Inch Nails? I am not surprised.
They kept the 3 other decent bands company that decade. :-)
Hm...which three other decent bands are you referring to?
ElTerprise: Hm...which three other decent bands are you referring to?
The Ramones, the Rollings and the Beatles.
EndreWhiteMane: Nine Inch Nails? I am not surprised.
They kept the 3 other decent bands company that decade. :-)
ElTerprise: Hm...which three other decent bands are you referring to?
Nirvana, Counting Crows and Red Hot Chili Peppers are the ones that come to mind and RHCP had exactly ONE decent tune. :-)
ElTerprise: Hm...which three other decent bands are you referring to?
j0ekerr: The Ramones, the Rollings and the Beatles.
90s? hmmm
Post edited September 16, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane
j0ekerr: The Ramones, the Rollings and the Beatles.
Of course but not really 90s :)
And if i had to choose the Stones would be my favourite :)

EndreWhiteMane: Nirvana, Counting Crows and Red Hot Chili Peppers are the ones that come to mind and RHCP had exactly ONE decent
Yes. That fits.
EndreWhiteMane: 90s? hmmm
[Read in a soft creepy whisper] Those bands transcend time itself...
Post edited September 16, 2015 by j0ekerr
EndreWhiteMane: 90s? hmmm
j0ekerr: [Read in a soft creepy whisper] Those bands trascend time itself...
Oh wow, that's like very cosmic man. (sharp hissing inhale) Far out. :-)
Post edited September 16, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane
EndreWhiteMane: RHCP had exactly ONE decent tune. :-)
Closer to 27 for me :-p One of my top 5 favourite bands.
May I ask what the "ONE" was? :-)
Post edited September 16, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
EndreWhiteMane: Nine Inch Nails? I am not surprised.
They kept the 3 other decent bands company that decade. :-)
Yeah, it's not exactly hard to figure if a person spends much time around me talking. -laughs-

Was going to ask which 3 bands you were referring to, but the forum caught up so now I can see your answer.

Would definitely agree with Nirvana. Counting Crows were never my thing, and they got played to death on MTV back when MTV still played videos.
Post edited September 16, 2015 by CarrionCrow
EndreWhiteMane: RHCP had exactly ONE decent tune. :-)
AgentBirdnest: Closer to 27 for me :-p One of my top 5 favourite bands.
May I ask what the "ONE" was? :-)
Under the Bridge
EndreWhiteMane: Nine Inch Nails? I am not surprised.
They kept the 3 other decent bands company that decade. :-)
CarrionCrow: Yeah, it's not exactly hard to figure if a person spends much time around me talking. -laughs-

Now curious...what are your 3 other bands?
Nirvana, Counting Crows and Red Hot Chili Peppers are the ones that come to mind and RHCP had exactly ONE decent tune. :-)
Post edited September 16, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane
EndreWhiteMane: Nirvana, Counting Crows and Red Hot Chili Peppers are the ones that come to mind and RHCP had exactly ONE decent tune. :-)
Yay for forum lag. Takes a conversation and tries to mince the crap out of it.

From what I remember, it was some Nirvana, a whole lot of Nine Inch Nails and Marilyn Manson, a fair bit of Smashing Pumpkins and whatever other random stuff came along that sounded decent to me.
ElTerprise: Whoa now i'm really happy i decided to not get Not a Hero and it was tempting in the current sale but all the things you described sound either boring or really infuriating....looks like the developer never played their own game ....

That's good - although i usually prefer manual saving :)
It was an alternating combo of both when I played it. Maybe it was just my computer, but certain characters never got used because there were so many time-based challenges. No way I could clear them without someone with a good movement speed. Once I saw that repeated so many times, at least a couple of the characters were never touched because their speed was so awful.

Maybe they thought it made for tense gameplay, but in actuality it was generally annoying.
Along with that, the character that gives you all the story info (such as it is) is a clear case of people trying too hard to be wacky. So you end up with a character with the sound effect of squawking gibberish babbling away between every mission.
They try to touch on the whole "not a hero" thing by way of mentioning that you might be killing decent police officers during some missions, but it never gets touched on beyond supposed wacky dialogue. Just ends up feeling like they were thinking of putting an actual story in the mix but either didn't want to put in the effort or couldn't figure out how to add in the story elements of gradually putting in the idea that you're just working for a lunatic who doesn't really give a shit about doing good things for people.
Post edited September 16, 2015 by CarrionCrow
EndreWhiteMane: Nirvana, Counting Crows and Red Hot Chili Peppers are the ones that come to mind and RHCP had exactly ONE decent tune. :-)
CarrionCrow: Yay for forum lag. Takes a conversation and tries to mince the crap out of it.

From what I remember, it was some Nirvana, a whole lot of Nine Inch Nails and Marilyn Manson, a fair bit of Smashing Pumpkins and whatever other random stuff came along that sounded decent to me.
There are very few bands that I could listen to more than 3 or 4 of their songs before they started sounding 'samey' to me. So I had a lot of albumns but only listened to a few cuts (yes, records) on each. :-)
As I got older this got worse, I have a very eclectic, but picky, taste in music.
EndreWhiteMane: There are very few bands that I could listen to more than 3 or 4 of their songs before they started sounding 'samey' to me. So I had a lot of albumns but only listened to a few cuts (yes, records) on each. :-)
As I got older this got worse, I have a very eclectic, but picky, taste in music.
What are speak of? ;)

Understandable. If it's something I liked, I'd listen to that, but also wasn't in the habit of listening to whole albums of music. Much more of a pick and choose.