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ddickinson: [...]

Non health wise I am doing wonderful today. My partner came home early so I got a lovely surprise when I woke up, and this evening we are having a lovely romantic time, with a nice meal, candles, music, a lovely stroll under the moon and stars, and who know where else the night will lead. I can't think of a better way to spend a Monday. :-)

And a good day to everyone else.
HypersomniacLive: ♪┏(゚◡゚)┛♪♪

And a good day to everyone else.
What's this, Hyper dancing? *rubs eyes*

I think it will be more slow dance than disco dance, but I like the little ascii character. :-)

Hello, Hyper! *friendly handshake*
FearfulSymmetry: Hey everyone! *hugs and waves*

... is it just me or is this sale kind of lame? I've only seen a few items I'd be interested in and those were still too expensive for me. The Pinata games don't seem that great, either.
Good day, EarfulS :-) *big hug*

Not the most epic sale of all time, but the people here have been quite lovely, as always. There will probably be a better one in a couple months :-)
BillyMaysFan59: Meh. I want Insomnia back.

Good afternoon, *campers*!
Good day, William! Good to see you.
I miss insomnia... the sale, not the medical condition of course :-p
ddickinson: Hello, Fearful!

It is a little slow, but a lot of GOG sales have been for a while.

How are you today?

*big hug*
Hey DD, how are you? Doing a little bit better or still the same? *big hug*

Yeah, I guess with a three day turnover for the sales I shouldn't be expecting too much excitement. At least boring sales are good for my wallet. :P

I'm doing well, thanks. Just received a grade for my first essay of the year and it was a really good one, so that made me happy. Other than that I'm just doing some more work for university. :P
ddickinson: Ah, but would that cat change his mind for a lovely evening with a wonderful woman? :-)

Are you having a good Monday?
I'm sure he would, well that and a nice plate of lasagna.

It's early Monday morning here and I have to run some errands, like picking up a package from a shipping warehouse because they never made the second delivery attempt that they promised...but that's about the worst that should happen today.

I have a friend willing to (try to) help me get a server job at a restaurant which would be a step up from what I'm currently doing, so I'm dropping off an application today. Being a sever is a job that is kinda looked down on as being about the equivalent of a retail job, but as our server jobs are (usually) tip based here in the U.S., you can make some really really decent money as a sever in the right restaurant. I've known servers who've walked away with at least $150 in tips nearly every shift they had, and I would like a piece of that pie, ha. Fingers crossed!
ddickinson: I said the head Mormon, not what you call Obama. :-)
Those are strange variations. One sounds more democratic, the other sounds a little strange to use for the head of a religion (no offence).

I see, well as long as your hands and head are protected, I guess the rest can just freeze and fall off. :-)
I suppose that is a bit strange. I'd never really thought about it. Just kinda accepted it since it was all I ever knew. (no offense taken, of course. I'm only "officially" Mormon. I don't follow it anymore.)
FearfulSymmetry: Hey DD, how are you? Doing a little bit better or still the same? *big hug*

Yeah, I guess with a three day turnover for the sales I shouldn't be expecting too much excitement. At least boring sales are good for my wallet. :P

I'm doing well, thanks. Just received a grade for my first essay of the year and it was a really good one, so that made me happy. Other than that I'm just doing some more work for university. :P
I am doing good, thank you. My wife came home early and I have a lovely evening planned, so that has made my day.

I guess the promo is good for newer customers, especially the pinata as each game is worth at least $10, so if you are new or like most of them games then it is a good deal.

Glad to hear your work was marked very good, hopefully it will continue that way for the rest of the year.

*big happy hug*
Please listen again ^^ : Please owlerwhelm Owl with +1s :D
Post edited September 14, 2015 by ElTerprise
NoNewTaleToTell: I'm sure he would, well that and a nice plate of lasagna.

It's early Monday morning here and I have to run some errands, like picking up a package from a shipping warehouse because they never made the second delivery attempt that they promised...but that's about the worst that should happen today.

I have a friend willing to (try to) help me get a server job at a restaurant which would be a step up from what I'm currently doing, so I'm dropping off an application today. Being a sever is a job that is kinda looked down on as being about the equivalent of a retail job, but as our server jobs are (usually) tip based here in the U.S., you can make some really really decent money as a sever in the right restaurant. I've known servers who've walked away with at least $150 in tips nearly every shift they had, and I would like a piece of that pie, ha. Fingers crossed!
I wish you lots of luck with your job application. I sometimes get looked down on for being a farm girl, but a job is a job, I don't really see why someone should be looked down upon for working hard. Farm work is very hard, and most people can't do it. Serving people is also a taxing job, and one that is vital in may ways. If you do get the job I hope the tips will be good. Do you get a set wage still in the US and top it up with tips, or do you only get the tips? Over here we have laws for minimum hourly wages, despite the level of tips etc.

AgentBirdnest: I suppose that is a bit strange. I'd never really thought about it. Just kinda accepted it since it was all I ever knew. (no offense taken, of course. I'm only "officially" Mormon. I don't follow it anymore.)
Are Mormons easily offended about religious matters?
Post edited September 14, 2015 by ddickinson
ddickinson: I wish you lots of luck with your job application. I sometimes get looked down on for being a farm girl, but a job is a job, I don't really see why someone should be looked down upon for working hard. Farm work is very hard, and most people can't do it. Serving people is also a taxing job, and one that is vital in may ways. If you do get the job I hope the tips will be good. Do you get a set wage still in the US and top it up with tips, or do you only get the tips? Over here we have laws for minimum hourly wages, despite the level of tips etc.
Thank you! I agree with you, a job is a job and honest work is something that shouldn't be looked down, regardless of what it is.

Servers are treated kinda funny here. There is a minimum wage (which varies by state) but many (if not most) states have a much lower minimum wage for severs than every other profession with the expectation that the gap will be covered via tips, so whereas the usual minimum wage might be say...$8 an hour, for a sever it would be $3. Even in states where the minimum wage is the same for everybody including servers, a lot of restaurants find loopholes to avoid paying it.

Then some restaurants force the tips to be shared around the waitstaff, which is great if you had a bum night and everybody else did good, but obviously stings if it goes the other way around.

Overall as a sever you always have the potential to make far more income than any other (so called) unskilled jobs (after all it only takes one good tip an hour) but you also have the constant potential to get really done over by a bad shift.
high rated
Good afternoon to everyone I haven't seen yet : DD, Fearful, Hyper...
and all the others of course :)
I have to do some work stuff so I'll be offline for a while, unfortunately...
I hope you're having a nice mornoon...
**Big hugs with disgusting herbal tea**
ddickinson: Are Mormons easily offended about religious matters?
Some are, some are not.
Most don't mind people commenting or disagreeing about things as long as they are respectful, and will try to clear up any confusion about the religion.
There are plenty who can take a joke, and even joke about themselves. Plenty who are so used to being attacked that they no longer mind... and like any group of people, a few who will go totally apesh*t if you say the slightest negative thing.
Then there are the Osmonds... Great signers :-)
Rejoice, dear friends! It's monday. The farthest day from the next monday. :-)
I hope everyone is fine and I wish a good week for all.
NoNewTaleToTell: I'm sure he would, well that and a nice plate of lasagna.

It's early Monday morning here and I have to run some errands, like picking up a package from a shipping warehouse because they never made the second delivery attempt that they promised...but that's about the worst that should happen today.

I have a friend willing to (try to) help me get a server job at a restaurant which would be a step up from what I'm currently doing, so I'm dropping off an application today. Being a sever is a job that is kinda looked down on as being about the equivalent of a retail job, but as our server jobs are (usually) tip based here in the U.S., you can make some really really decent money as a sever in the right restaurant. I've known servers who've walked away with at least $150 in tips nearly every shift they had, and I would like a piece of that pie, ha. Fingers crossed!
ddickinson: I wish you lots of luck with your job application. I sometimes get looked down on for being a farm girl, but a job is a job, I don't really see why someone should be looked down upon for working hard. Farm work is very hard, and most people can't do it. Serving people is also a taxing job, and one that is vital in may ways. If you do get the job I hope the tips will be good. Do you get a set wage still in the US and top it up with tips, or do you only get the tips? Over here we have laws for minimum hourly wages, despite the level of tips etc.

AgentBirdnest: I suppose that is a bit strange. I'd never really thought about it. Just kinda accepted it since it was all I ever knew. (no offense taken, of course. I'm only "officially" Mormon. I don't follow it anymore.)
ddickinson: Are Mormons easily offended about religious matters?
You're a very naughty girl, very naughty.
You deserve a punishment.*handcuffs you to a chair in front of a TV*
Now,you'll watch the worst comedies of all time,including several "parodies*!
I envy myself on my evilness.
ddickinson: What's this, Hyper dancing? *rubs eyes*

I think it will be more slow dance than disco dance, but I like the little ascii character. :-)

Hello, Hyper! *friendly handshake*
What are you implying with that "slow dance"? My dancing is pretty lively, thank you very much! ;-P