ddickinson: I wish you lots of luck with your job application. I sometimes get looked down on for being a farm girl, but a job is a job, I don't really see why someone should be looked down upon for working hard. Farm work is very hard, and most people can't do it. Serving people is also a taxing job, and one that is vital in may ways. If you do get the job I hope the tips will be good. Do you get a set wage still in the US and top it up with tips, or do you only get the tips? Over here we have laws for minimum hourly wages, despite the level of tips etc.
Thank you! I agree with you, a job is a job and honest work is something that shouldn't be looked down, regardless of what it is.
Servers are treated kinda funny here. There is a minimum wage (which varies by state) but many (if not most) states have a much lower minimum wage for severs than every other profession with the expectation that the gap will be covered via tips, so whereas the usual minimum wage might be say...$8 an hour, for a sever it would be $3. Even in states where the minimum wage is the same for everybody including servers, a lot of restaurants find loopholes to avoid paying it.
Then some restaurants force the tips to be shared around the waitstaff, which is great if you had a bum night and everybody else did good, but obviously stings if it goes the other way around.
Overall as a sever you always have the potential to make far more income than any other (so called) unskilled jobs (after all it only takes one good tip an hour) but you also have the constant potential to get really done over by a bad shift.