AgentBirdnest: The official title is "president". Often he is referred to as "the prophet".
When winter sets in? Owl made me some lovely mitts and hat. Those should be enough ;-)
I said the head Mormon, not what you call Obama. :-)
Those are strange variations. One sounds more democratic, the other sounds a little strange to use for the head of a religion (no offence).
I see, well as long as your hands and head are protected, I guess the rest can just freeze and fall off. :-)
FearfulSymmetry: Hey everyone! *hugs and waves*
... is it just me or is this sale kind of lame? I've only seen a few items I'd be interested in and those were still too expensive for me. The Pinata games don't seem that great, either.
Hello, Fearful!
It is a little slow, but a lot of GOG sales have been for a while.
How are you today?
*big hug*