CarrionCrow: Fast storytime - I played New Vegas like it was a hack 'n slash game. No dialogue, no bartering, no quests unless I had to do so to progress, and killing absolutely every single NPC the game would let me take out.
You know what that changed about the story? Nothing.
You know what level my character was when I finished? 50.
As for the outrage, that's not surprising at all. Many people will act like dimwitted tantrum-throwing children when given the slightest excuse to do so.
I'm curious, how hard was it during the early game? I can't remember which version of level scaling (if any) that Obsidian used for New Vegas. On my last playthrough my character was a Luck 10 melee character and she breezed through every single fight save for the Deathclaws. Powder Gangers? Not a problem. Legionnaires? Splat! Robots? Crushed. Ghouls? Wimps. I freed the Sheriff from the prison at level three or four with just a switchblade and whatever the default armor was! I still managed to max out nearly every skill before the end of the game despite having low intelligence.
There are only a few things that can change with the story based on killing characters, and that's basically how you can finish the main quest. If memory serves you can kill all of the important main characters and still finish the main quest via a backdoor.
Bethesda's games have plenty of what I personally consider to be flaws, I just find it funny that their generally awful writing and terrible animations aren't laughed at (heck, their brain dead writing wins awards!) but they're getting flogged because of some textures. Textures that are still a clear improvement over Fallout 3's. What a world man...
superstande: hello Nnttt! ;)
You sound bitter, man... But I understand at least some of it. You could take another road, buy the Wasteland 2 if you haven't already...Then there's Cyberpunk 2077 in the making... well alright that takes some years till it's out... but I mean there's lots of quality sci-fi coming, that's not praised with capital letters by the mainstream media...
All I know I find myself happy these days following only my gut feeling and not giving a crap about anything official... of course mainstream media can be a nice tool when you want some first impressions and such...
Hey there superstande!
Not really bitter, I'm just amazed that of all the things that Bethesda genuinely (in my opinion) deserves criticism for, it's a non-problem (in my view) that they're getting called out on.
For the record I actually enjoy Bethesda games to a degree. As a huge fan of open world games, they do a pretty decent job of creating sandboxes. Just ignore the story and focus on creating your own character and their own story and walk around whacking things with a stick and you'll have fun with their games, at least I do haha.
I'm pretty in the dark with Cyberpunk 2077, but what I've read it seems promising! I would try Wasteland 2 but I'm honestly not a big fan of turn based games. I know I know haha.
One game I'm really excited for is Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord. I've put a whole lot of hours into Mount & Blade: Warband, and Bannerlord looks like a complete improvement over Warband.