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AgentBirdnest: Yes, ma'am. Secretary Agent at your service ):-|
No no, coffee in my sugar. There is more sugar than coffee :-p
**Bigger happy hug with free cats** (when did this cat get on my lap? ,','',:-|)
**snaugh !!!** >__o hahaha... this pic.
Too much sugar... be careful for your teeth, young boy.
**Big hug back** ... a cat ?!? :-O **squeeking loudly at the cat**
GR00T: Shit, that Humble 'build your own' Double Fine bundle looks awful tempting. But damn, I don't need more games in the backlog. Really on the fence on whether to pull the trigger or just say 'screw it' and wait until GOG's upcoming sale (you just know there's going to be one).

*edit* on a side note, taking the wife to the doctor tomorrow for her third and final injection to her knee. Not a fun experience for her. That's going to suck. Then there's the youngest daughter wuth her badly sprained ankle doing some physio. *sigh* Maybe I need to buy some games to cheer me up...
LaPtiteBete: Hehe, starting a post with "I don't need more games in the backlog" and ending it with "Maybe I need to buy some games to cheer me up"... I think we are many in your situation... should make a club...
I'm glad I manage to stay away of that shiny tempting Humble site... :)
I'd only really want Broken Age so not as tempted since I have most of the other games. Even then not totally sold on Broken Age
CarrionCrow: Figured I might as well take advantage at the moment since my job's on hold yet again. The joy of people not knowing what the hell they want.

It's a reflex game. It's called that partly because you can play the game with one finger. If you feel like frying your nerves at some point, give it a try. It has a lot of stick man murder.
Might try it for a bit of silly fun. Is there a DRM free version available somewhere? Or Steam-only?
CarrionCrow: Good morning. =)

-passes over the extra-extra-extra large coffee mug since we don't need you falling asleep in the wading pool-

Can't complain too much here. Hands have kinda stopped working after 9 hours of video games, but I can still type with my nose so it's okay.

How are you doing today besides wanting to go back to bed?
LaPtiteBete: Hello, Crow !!
Thanks for the XXXL coffee mug !!! \o/
Haha :D you'd better not chose a too complicated gameplay, if you type with your nose... must be very funny to see.. n__o
Beside that ?... Doing good !! counting the hours of work left before the weekend comes ^^
NoNewTaleToTell: And now I'm jealous haha, glad you got to see him!
LaPtiteBete: I would have loved to see him more than once, though... if I had known... ! :) ... **sigh** tant pis...
LaPtiteBete: Morning, Soccorro !
How are you doing ? :)
Im fine and you? :)
toxicTom: Might try it for a bit of silly fun. Is there a DRM free version available somewhere? Or Steam-only?
As far as I know, it was only put out as a Steam rental for PC. It's also available for the X-Box 360.
Post edited September 04, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Soccorro: Im fine and you? :)
Fine too :)
... I'm pissed at GOG about its broken chat system and forums bugs, and its lack of communication (and the "temporary" gifting restriction, whose list of games is becomming bigger and bigger).
LaPtiteBete: **Big hug back** ... a cat ?!? :-O **squeeking loudly at the cat**
Hey, it worked! The little punk jumped off of me!
**Big thank you hug for my heroic Owl** :-)
LaPtiteBete: **Big hug back** ... a cat ?!? :-O **squeeking loudly at the cat**
AgentBirdnest: Hey, it worked! The little punk jumped off of me!
**Big thank you hug for my heroic Owl** :-)
Flies around Agent getting a panorama of the bird nest very pretty.
CarrionCrow: As far as I know, it was only put out as a Steam rental for PC. It's also available for the X-Box 360.
Since I don't have an XBox... no deal for me :-/
Hello, everyone!

I am finally caught up with my chat and the thread. No doubt in a few minutes I will be behind again, but oh well. I am not as quick with replying at the moment, but I get there eventually (so sorry if I take some time to reply, or if I go offline a lot. I am quite warn out at the moment.). :-)

Why all the new avatars? How are you all today, I hope you are doing well?

Thank you all for the lovely messages. I am not up to replying to them all individually, so I will just do a big group thank you and offer some group hugs. *big group hug*

And thank you to those who offered some input on Q.U.B.E. Director's Cut. Since the key is just sitting there I will just redeem it myself and give the game a try. I have never played Portal, so I am not sure what to expect, but I will add it to my never ending backlog and give it a try someday. *thank you hug*
ddickinson: ...
*BIG (careful) HUG*

As for Q.U.B.E. - I've played it a little and liked it. But I can't really say how it holds up on the long run.
Did anyone notice the block/clear message feature is implemented now?
Good morning. =)

Very good to see you again. How are you feeling?
toxicTom: *BIG (careful) HUG*

As for Q.U.B.E. - I've played it a little and liked it. But I can't really say how it holds up on the long run.
Hello! *return hug*

I had a spare key for it just sitting around. I had a look at the regulars wishlists and none had it, so I figured I would give it a try.

Now I am trying to decide if I should add Timelapse to my wishlist. Anyone have any opinions of that game?

CarrionCrow: Good morning. =)

Very good to see you again. How are you feeling?
Hello, Crow!

It's nice to be out of hospital that's for sure. I am doing okay, health-wise I am feeling terrible, but other than that I am doing good, still happy and smiling.

How are you?
Post edited September 04, 2015 by ddickinson
ddickinson: Now I am trying to decide if I should add Timelapse to my wishlist. Anyone have any opinions of that game?
Can't comment on that one. Those old "Rendered backgrounds and some puzzles" aren't really my cup of tea.