CarrionCrow: Good morning. =)
-passes over the extra-extra-extra large coffee mug since we don't need you falling asleep in the wading pool-
Can't complain too much here. Hands have kinda stopped working after 9 hours of video games, but I can still type with my nose so it's okay.
How are you doing today besides wanting to go back to bed?
LaPtiteBete: Hello, Crow !!
Thanks for the XXXL coffee mug !!! \o/
Haha :D you'd better not chose a too complicated gameplay, if you type with your nose... must be very funny to see.. n__o
Beside that ?... Doing good !! counting the hours of work left before the weekend comes ^^
NoNewTaleToTell: And now I'm jealous haha, glad you got to see him!
LaPtiteBete: I would have loved to see him more than once, though... if I had known... ! :) ...
**sigh** tant pis...
LaPtiteBete: Morning, Soccorro !
How are you doing ? :)