Posted September 03, 2015

My CPU is also (a little) below specs: AMD Phenom 2 X4 3.2GHz, but I have a GTX970 and 16 GB RAM.
In my case the game can get a little slow in some areas (like the big city of Novigrad). There I have 15-20 fps. In the wilderness I have 30-50, depending on how much action there is around (monsters, wolves hunting deer, nearby village with NPCs...).
Also, sound stutters when the game slows down a lot.
The slowdowns are clearly the CPU's fault. I can crank up most graphics option to "high" and it won't get any more slower. Only the "Number of background characters" I need to keep on "medium" since those are CPU controlled.

It sounds risky, indeed... if it doesn't work smoothly with yours, which is even closer to the minimal spec... 3.2 instead of 3.3 GHz... :-\ I don't have any chance !
I saw the minimal recommanded processor had 4 cores, mine has only 2... half memory... I'm screwed :'-|
I won't bee able to play this game until I buy a new computer, which is... not before at least 5 years from now ! :-\

Doing good here, thanks !
and you ?