ddickinson: Hello, lovely Owl! *big hug*
I thought death warmed up was a fitting description, given the events over the last few weeks. Plus it's kind of how I feel at the moment, health wise at least. Other than the health issues I am my regular happy and smiling self. I am doing a little better, definitely better than I was a week or so ago. I can eat a little more now, so hopefully that will help. But things are still quite bad, but there was little more they could do at the moment in hospital, so I might as well be at home.
How are you? Did you enjoy your holiday? Had your eldest Owlet started his new school yet, if so, is he enjoying it?
*more hugs*
I'm so happy you're there, happy and smiling... and eating ! \o/
Sorry that your health is still quite bad, though... may I ask what the doctors said... if you can expect some improvement soon... ?
I'm great... thanks :)
I enjoyed my holidays, yes ! First we spent a few days at a very good friend in Burgundy, only the owlets and I... it was very hot (around 40°C) ! We enjoyed the nice and peaceful, slightly hilly, countryside ; the owlets enjoyed the company of a lot of friendly animals (horses, cats, dogs...), and a soak in random friends swimming pool... but you were still around when I went there, if I remember well :)
Then we spent a week with my youngest owlet's dad, his parents and brother, at the sea side, near La Rochelle. We went to the beach many times, did some bike riding, and rested a lot. It was very nice. (except for the car which broke down on the way out ; and the flood in our basement when we went back :-) !)
Then we had a last week off work ; to (clean the basement), enjoy the Belgian sea side (De Panne), and the lovely city of Brugges. And then, the hard return to work :-) ... for everybody ! Yes, my eldest owlet is back to school since Tuesday... so far it's ok, he doesn't complain (too much) ;-) ... it changes a lot of things for him (and me), but we'll get used to them... !
**Big happy hugs**