akhliber: Hello there! An upper endoscopy is just a camera going through the mouth to get to your insides, and it's done while you're either asleep or in a twilight. As I don't respond to "twilight" sedation (due to the medications I'm on daily) they always put me completely to sleep for procedures like this, so there's very little discomfort involved. I'm a wee bit sore from yesterday, as they did some biopsies while they were in there, and the injections can leave some soreness for a couple days. All in all though, very little pain involved :)
I'll always take a cup of coffee. I've already got one in front of me, but I do have two hands. ;)
Brrr... It sounds scary anyway. Glad you're not bothered too much by the side-effects :)
**Pass Akh another mug of coffee** that'll make 3 !
AgentBirdnest: ',,','', :"O We are not even engaged yet!!
I hope your day is going well(?)
LOL !!
Engaged ? good grief. What for ? ;-p
My day is going well and peacefully :) and yours ?
FearfulSymmetry: Yep, it's all right, despite some super boring reading that I have to finish. And I just heard my sister is dropping out of high school, which I do understand because it's really hard for her with her chronic illness, but at the same time I am concerned for her.
How are you, Agent?
Ho... not cool for your sister... :'-(
** run away because it wasn't my conversation ** EndreWhiteMane: Doing OK today so far, still trying to adjust to the new meds. :/
Are you having a good day?
Yes, I read you'll still need a few weeks to figure out if they work well or if you should rather change again... it will have been a long time... I hope it will worth the wait !
and tomorrow it will be 3 weeks since DD left, right ?... :'-[
I'm having a good day, yes ! not very stressful... :) now that I'm done with the "phoning" part >__o