NoNewTaleToTell: Halloween perhaps?
Right now Fran Bow gets my complete recommendation, though it could fall apart in the end, a lot of games have fallen apart after a strong start. It's not a "scary" game, but it is really dark and rather surreal and has a dash of whimsy. Great stuff.
Enjoying Risen 2 more and more, but that has to do with the writing more than anything, as I'm still not too fond of the new combat system. Good thing there is a companion to do all the heavy combat lifting and who is kind enough to give me all the Glory (experience points)!
It would be great !! i hope they won't wait as long as last year, the fall sale had barely ended that they had to launch the winter sale right after :)
I totally will buy Fran Bow \o/ it sounds great...
CarrionCrow: Wouldn't recommend it. It tastes like warm cola syrup with the acidic twinge of coffee as the aftertaste.
Not a problem, you're welcome. =)
Yeah, I'll avoid it... I'm sure you'd have some better things to recommand to a stranger owl, curious about tasting some unknowned American food :)
cecil: I was trying to be playful [feels old and from the US]
At least we are two old nuts, trying as hard as we can to understand each other :)