l0rdtr3k: I always catch you offline só I can't properly hug you,Owl.
*hugs and snuggle you*
**Big fluffy hug** :)
How are you doing, little blob ??
EndreWhiteMane: Hi Little One! Yeah, I'm still adjusting to the new one so not feeling too good. Getting better though.
You having a fun day?
*bear hug*
Hm, it sounds bothering... let's hope you'll be fully adjusted, and feel really better soon !!
Yes, I'm having a nice day ! played a bit Terraria while my little owlet was sleeping.... now it's time for us to go and pick up the big brother owlet... :)
What about you ? Are you having a nice Sunday ?
**Big owl hug** I'll be back in a few hours :)
ElTerprise: Thank you *big return hug*
Thankfully the tiredness is gone now....but the weather is still bad...really rainy :(
No need to burn their place down - i mean i was annoyed but not
that annoyed ;)
Nice that you don't fefel tired anymore !! :)
Ho.... alright then
**sadly blowing the torch out** CarrionCrow: Good afternoon, Owl lady. =)
Doing all right here. Just woke up, now trying to get the knots out of my back. Fun stuff right there.
Would definitely go for some coffee, thank you. If I'm lucky, it'll help me to get both eyes open.
How are you doing today?
**Pouring Crow a big mug of good hot coffee** Here you are
I'm doing very good, thanks :) I hope your back feels good as new now !