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EndreWhiteMane: Morning all, Endre here, coming to you live from the Twilight Zone.
Thanks silly rabbit, now you have me watching that silly show. :-)
LaPtiteBete: Haha, hello Endre !! :D
I don't know that show... sounds cool !!
A friend of mine showed me a new one (for me) too... "Sanctuary". I like it, I should grab all the seasons.
How are you doing today ? Does your medic change still bother you ?
Hi Little One! Yeah, I'm still adjusting to the new one so not feeling too good. Getting better though.
You having a fun day?
*bear hug*
LaPtiteBete: You're tired even during the weekends ?... aw... because of your neighbors ? >:-|
Do you want Agent and I burn their place to the ground ?...
You don't have a nice weather ? :-(
**Big comforting sunny hug**
Thank you *big return hug*
Thankfully the tiredness is gone now....but the weather is still bad...really rainy :(
No need to burn their place down - i mean i was annoyed but not that annoyed ;)
EndreWhiteMane: Morning all, Endre here, coming to you live from the Twilight Zone.
Thanks silly rabbit, now you have me watching that silly show. :-)
Good morning. =) Hope you're feeling a bit better than yesterday.
LaPtiteBete: Good afternoon Crow !
How are you doing ?
Want some coffee ? :)
Good afternoon, Owl lady. =)

Doing all right here. Just woke up, now trying to get the knots out of my back. Fun stuff right there.

Would definitely go for some coffee, thank you. If I'm lucky, it'll help me to get both eyes open.

How are you doing today?
Post edited August 30, 2015 by CarrionCrow
EndreWhiteMane: Morning all, Endre here, coming to you live from the Twilight Zone.
Thanks silly rabbit, now you have me watching that silly show. :-)
Hello Endre :)
How are you aside from being in the Twilight Zone? :)
EndreWhiteMane: Morning all, Endre here, coming to you live from the Twilight Zone.
Thanks silly rabbit, now you have me watching that silly show. :-)
CarrionCrow: Good morning. =) Hope you're feeling a bit better than yesterday.
Didn't sleep well so a bit of trouble waking up. Otherwise doing OK.
It'll take a few weeks to see how well the new meds work.
You have plans for the day other than trying to wake up?
EndreWhiteMane: Morning all, Endre here, coming to you live from the Twilight Zone.
Thanks silly rabbit, now you have me watching that silly show. :-)
ElTerprise: Hello Endre :)
How are you aside from being in the Twilight Zone? :)
Not too bad today other than sleepy and a bit tired from a poor sleep.
Sorry to hear about the neighbors, inconsiderate people are not my favorite.
Post edited August 30, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane
EndreWhiteMane: Not too bad today other than sleepy and a bit tired from a poor sleep.
Sorry to hear about the neighbors, inconsiderate people are not my favorite.
That sounds familiar but good to hear that you're not doing too bad :)
Thank you - i don't like that either but as long as it won't happen more often i can tolerate that...for the moment...
l0rdtr3k: I always catch you offline só I can't properly hug you,Owl.
*hugs and snuggle you*
**Big fluffy hug** :)
How are you doing, little blob ??
EndreWhiteMane: Hi Little One! Yeah, I'm still adjusting to the new one so not feeling too good. Getting better though.
You having a fun day?
*bear hug*
Hm, it sounds bothering... let's hope you'll be fully adjusted, and feel really better soon !!
Yes, I'm having a nice day ! played a bit Terraria while my little owlet was sleeping.... now it's time for us to go and pick up the big brother owlet... :)
What about you ? Are you having a nice Sunday ?
**Big owl hug**
I'll be back in a few hours :)
ElTerprise: Thank you *big return hug*
Thankfully the tiredness is gone now....but the weather is still bad...really rainy :(
No need to burn their place down - i mean i was annoyed but not that annoyed ;)
Nice that you don't fefel tired anymore !! :)
Ho.... alright then
**sadly blowing the torch out**

CarrionCrow: Good afternoon, Owl lady. =)

Doing all right here. Just woke up, now trying to get the knots out of my back. Fun stuff right there.

Would definitely go for some coffee, thank you. If I'm lucky, it'll help me to get both eyes open.

How are you doing today?
**Pouring Crow a big mug of good hot coffee** Here you are
I'm doing very good, thanks :) I hope your back feels good as new now !
Post edited August 30, 2015 by LaPtiteBete
LaPtiteBete: Nice that you don't fefel tired anymore !! :)
Ho.... alright then
**sadly blowing the torch out**
Oh....but you should keep the torch - just in case ;)
EndreWhiteMane: Didn't sleep well so a bit of trouble waking up. Otherwise doing OK.
It'll take a few weeks to see how well the new meds work.
You have plans for the day other than trying to wake up?
Crap, I need more plans besides just that? ;)

Figuring it'll be an indoor day for the most part. No one's around, stuff outside won't be happening if the projected 6 hour sandstorm hits. Doesn't bother me, I'd rather play games anyway.
LaPtiteBete: **Pouring Crow a big mug of good hot coffee** Here you are
I'm doing very good, thanks :) I hope your back feels good as new now !
Very kind of you.

Glad to hear it. Your vacation sounded more than a little stressful at times, it's good that you're getting restful downtime.

It'll be fine. Everything will snap back into place eventually.
Post edited August 30, 2015 by CarrionCrow
It's raining again. If you can call a 4 minute sparse shower rain.

It only made the heat worse.
j0ekerr: It's raining again. If you can call a 4 minute sparse shower rain.

It only made the heat worse.
Four whole minutes? One more and you would have needed to borrow Endre's canoe.
Ok. Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb was a mediocre game.
The plot was silly.
The gameplay was okayish.
The riddles were good.
One part was simply frustrating to the point of me yelling at the screen.
The voice-over was good.
The graphics are still ok.

I am not big about feminism and I find the whole debate laughable, but the big reward for Indy at the end is that the damsel in distress sleeps with him for the night. Wow. That was a let-down.
its time for some conversational conversation about conversational conversation content
!zihW zeehC stae nataS


--Conversational Free-For-All Thread Song of the Day--

Nature Trail to Hell (in 3D!!!!!!)
Post edited August 30, 2015 by BillyMaysFan59
BillyMaysFan59: !zihW zeehC stae nataS
.zihW zeehC tae snomed sih ylnO !t'nseod eh epoN