CarrionCrow: That could either be the name of a really interesting band, or a really terrible one, depending on which direction they took it.
GreenDamsel: Definitely the wrong one.
All the best bands are with Satan.
It infuriates me when someone is willing to listen to static filled radio because they're too lazy to bother fine tuning the damn thing.
And it is lazyness, coupled with defeatism. Their response is always "I don't know how" or "technology baffles me", which in this case only serves me to make me rage. It's a dial tune radio. there's nothing digital about it, no buttons to use as an excuse, it's the exact same freaking technology Marconi was using. A knob you can turn and a tiny coloured wedge you can slide along a straght line marked with frequencies with said knob. So don't give me that crap that you don't understand it because you've lived all your whole damn life seeing this. You just
never bothered! I did say rage.