AgentBirdnest: Good morning, Wings :-)
Doing okay here. How about yourself? Happy that it is finally Friday? (Coffee today? Nice!)
**Accepts some coffee, and gives an epic crushing hug** edit : Happy 400 \o/
Morning, my Agent :)
**pour Agent a big mug of coffee** Going good here (Friday \o/) but I'm really tired... we went to eat at an old friend's place yesterday (I know her for... 31 years now !)... and went back at nearly 1 am (with the owlet...) it was really cool :-) but now I pay the price :-D
What about you ?
**Big crushing hug back** PS : it's about time !!! >:-| ... hehe n__n thanks !!! \o/
Let's celebrate !
**playing party music extra loud** ¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸ ♪
¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸ ♪
I'm planning to celebrate more decently my 3rd star... :)
CarrionCrow: Good morning, Owl lady. =)
Can't complain here, just killing time til the sale shows up in between trying to decide how much I should shoehorn into my gaming budget.
Hopefully you're having a pleasant enough almost weekend.
Hey Crow :D
Nice program... am I mistaken, or did you just get new shoes ? :)
Yes, it's not a too harassing day, pretty fine for a Friday :)
Hope you're having a nice one too...
any guess about the weekend sale ?...
Does someone knows when will the next big sale (Fall Sale maybe ? Insomnia ?...) take place ?...