Posted August 27, 2015
Grargar: Yeah, how could I? They were serious discussions and arguments that have a lot to do with the movie, such as whether waitresses' tips should be taxed or not.
Do not forget that thrilling, yet academic discussion about the purity or lack thereof, of the characters featured in popular 80s pop songs from titillating singers. GENIUS!
LaPtiteBete: Good morning everybody !
**Big hugs with decaffeinatedd coffee**.... =__o ..... **sigh**. (my boss is back).
How are you doing ? :)
Hi owl. **Big hugs with decaffeinatedd coffee**.... =__o ..... **sigh**. (my boss is back).
How are you doing ? :)
We're about to discuss how much the girl in like a virgin loves the cock. Then we will make obscure references to a series called the Virginian that no one under 50 will understand.
Post edited August 27, 2015 by j0ekerr