j0ekerr: Hi owl.
We're about to discuss how much the girl in like a virgin loves the cock. Then we will make obscure references to a series called the Virginian that no one under 50 will understand.
Lol... I don't know the Virginian, I doubt I'll be able to debate about this... :)
AgentBirdnest: Good morning, Conversationland!
(Wondering if we will get a new release today, considering yesterday's epicness...)
Morning, my Agent :)
**Big hug** toxicTom: Hangover... :-/
Too much beer and too little to eat last night.
:-\ humpft... I hope it'll pass soon...
I also drank too much wine, and didn't sleep enough... wrong mix.
ElTerprise: Good morning folks *big hugs and waves* :)
Good morning ElT ! :)
**Big hug** j0ekerr: Hush don't even mention that while agent's around. Do you want to traumatize him?
Oh,I've seen something like that, like low fat milk cream.
It's funnier when you realize that it translates to cream-free cream.
Heehee... I was sure it would make him crawl out of his cave to react... :)
AgentBirdnest: My nephews used to have to eat
this abomination. Luckily their allergy passed, and they are no longer dead to me ;-p
Ô__Ô ........... double-pouarkh.
cecil: Howdy all :) If anyone is looking for a sword based tomb raider style game with story then Reguard is a great game IMHO.
Morning, Cecil :)