Posted August 24, 2015

Hello all you wonderful forumsters! foruminsters? forumimals?
I was just thinking that nostalgia fever for old games is a bit like re-enactors' period rush...
It's not easy to explain, it just happens, and lots of other people are like, "yeah alright. Hey, what ever works for you, and is harmless enough."
That's the thing with Forgotten Realms archives too, I guess.
I'm still going bananas with Pools of Radiance, but don't think I can just say, "That's an awesome game, play it!"

Did you play Forgotten Realms games back then, when they have been released ?...
I think most of people who enjoy such old games are purely nostalgic :)
I can't remember which one I played a couple months ago, but I remember having really high opinions (and hopes) about it, until I play it again, and realized I had a bit overrated it in my memories...
Yes I played Pool of Radiance and some others back in the day, probably just a year or two later when they came out.
Happens to me too sometimes, nostalgia is just... nostalgia... not always worth a revisit :)
Take most of the music I was listening to back in the 90's :)
But sometimes, like with PoR, things are different... perhaps because my English is a lot better, and am a lot better at games overall... So there's this, "Ah, now I get it," feeling sometimes :)
But overall, I'd say nostalgia can be a bit dangerous, if for nothing else, for the wallet :)