EndreWhiteMane: I applaud your reserve, I would have been rolling on the floor, clutching my stomach in laugh cramps, saying "You actually think I'd LIVE here?"
Well done. :-)
Well, I find it extremely hard to not be polite. I try to be diplomatic in every situation, even when I shouldn't be. :P So yeah, I was keeping a straight face, but I couldn't quite suppress the sarcastic commentary that was running inside my head the whole time. :P
ElTerprise: Glad to hear that - are you excited about it? :)
Hopefully - is it difficult is it to find an apartment currently?
On the one hand yes, on the other hand I kind of wish my holiday would last a bit longer ... :P But then I always think that and it's never that bad when you get back to it.
It's quite all right, although the quality you get really does depend on the amount you're willing to pay. If this apartment had turned out to be nice it would have been a great deal, which is why I was willing to take a chance on it. Still, i wasn't actively looking for apartments - I only went to this one because one of my friends told me about it. I do plan on moving to a bigger place but I'm quite good where I'm at currently, so there's no real hurry.