Posted August 24, 2015

Buy some hooks, hang it from the ceiling like a pot and pan rack? Course, depending on the height, you might end up smacking your head into it instead...
Hooks? Interesting idea. The height would not be a problem. I need to consider that :D

I went to check out that apartment tonight but I didn't get it. To be honest, I'm not real torn up about it, as the other people who were living in the building were really not my type of person and apparently they have forced social gatherings. Also, they didn't actually allow me to look at the apartment, so I was forced to make a decision based on nothing, really. Overall I didn't get the best vibe from the place so perhaps it's for the best that I didn't get it.
You are not allowed to look at the apartment you consider renting??? That sounds shady to me. Probably for the best that you did not get it. And forced gatherings? Oh wow.
Post edited August 24, 2015 by moonshineshadow