superstande: Hi EIT!
Did you get to keep all the files, if you upgraded from another windows that is?
I'm just a bit lazy to go read any official microsoft descriptions of what the upgrade means :p
About the screen grab problem of mine, I haven't actually ruled out it isn't the nvidia experience that's causing it. I'm not even sure why I got it or what that program is, just something that I installed at some point... It has its own grabbing tools but I haven't gotten those to work either :D
Yes the files should be kept but backing up the files before the upgrade might be useful. But i did a clean install of Win 10 shortly after the upgrade anyway. Unfortunately the upgrade is necessary.
EndreWhiteMane: Doing fairly well here, have a doctor visit in a couple of hours. See if I can get a few things straightened out.
Sounds like most of you are doing well today, that's a great thing. :-)
Glad to hear that - good luck for the doctor visit and that it helps straighten those things out :)