Posted August 15, 2015

Mornoon, Owl.
*big hug*
Mornoon, my Agent... hello, everyone... did I sleep? ... how long... what year is it... 3__3
Poor Theodore... I thought kicking people in the nuts wasn't your thing, my Agent ! :)

How's your Saturday doing...?
Maybe we should do some beer hunting along the lines what Agent is doing :)
Is there some kind of sound to attract the gog beers, maybe we should lay a trap in the ground for them to step on.
My saturday is a bit boring, I'm stuck in a car on the way back home from our holidays... :-| I've read and slept ; I can't drive because it's not our car, ours broke down on the way in :->
How are you doing ??
... beer hunting ? :D I'm in !!! Hehe
Post edited August 15, 2015 by LaPtiteBete