Posted August 15, 2015

I'm doing pretty well I must say. Can't seem to settle on a game to play the past day or two besides The Sims 3.

Been there so many times :)
Good luck finding a good one!
I sometimes go through my Library in gog for the hell of it, and find something interesting.
Or some of the threads in gog offer inspiration, and occasionally there's a link to a freebie :) - as in freeware, not illegal stuff I presume.
and uhm, sometimes is good to put something on your wishlist... :p
I'll probably get back to the version that runs in the Baldur's Gate 2 engine, but I don't have the motivation right now

I'm doing pretty well I must say. Can't seem to settle on a game to play the past day or two besides The Sims 3.

Can't complain here, just trying to wake up enough to go back to sleep.
At least you're having fun with it. The Sims bored me to tears every time I put it on, ended up playing something else.