NoNewTaleToTell: Merry time of day and a happy day of week!
I've reached the early middle part of Mount & Blade: Warband's Prophesy of Pendor. I own three businesses, have a 34 person strong band of troops that are all upper level, including two knights and I'm around level 15 I think. Enemies of similar size stand no chance, I haven't lost a troop in the last five plus battles, heck not even had one injured.
Now I've gotta do some grinding so I can max out my training skill and some of the medical skills and troop management. Considering how much Experience it takes to jump up a level once you get in the 10s...well...the local outlaws are gonna have a bad time.
Still haven't joined a kingdom and probably won't, the "take over the map" part of the game gets boring, especially once you reach the "I can hammer anybody I want, when I want" level.
I need to start playing through that series soon. Think I'm only missing the Viking expansion. It sounds interesting.