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ElTerprise: Interesting. I'm still figuring out if i should get something of the weekend promo after the MoW are now off the list thanks to you (thank you again :D). From the new releases i'm currently thinking of Cosmonautica and Interstellaria...
Not a problem. I'm all for people having larger and larger backlogs. ;)

Might get those later. Maybe after more reviews for them are out.
Other stuff stood out more, so I grabbed that instead.

Additional - Listening to the song of the day, and I now want a copy of UHF. Thanks, Billy. ;P
Post edited August 03, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Hi to anyone who's reading this...

CarrionCrow: 'What have I always believed?
That on the whole, and by and large, if a person lived properly, not according to what any priests said, but according to what seemed decent and honest inside, then it would, at the end, more or less, turn out all right.'
Terry Pratchett

You mentioning that you're slowly losing your sanity is a good sign, I think. If you'd gone completely insane, you'd probably be preoccupied with that.

That's an optimistic viewpoint, a good one to have.
Good evening Crow

Thank you for your kind reply. I am doing ok. I apologise for that bout of self-pity, something I always try to avoid.
My mind is still intact, last time I looked, although I'm still talking to myself a lot - but then I always did that.

Sanity? not even sure what that is, but I'm hanging in there. ;-)

Humidity is way higher than I've ever know it to be, and I don't do well in high humidity. Or high heat.
I guess if I lived in a really cold place, I'd be reading this post and wondering what this person is complaining about. We always want what we cannot have.

Hope your day went well, and that you are either happy because you bought the games you wanted, or because you refrained from doing so. <laughing>
ZenWan: Good evening Crow

Thank you for your kind reply. I am doing ok. I apologise for that bout of self-pity, something I always try to avoid.
My mind is still intact, last time I looked, although I'm still talking to myself a lot - but then I always did that.

Sanity? not even sure what that is, but I'm hanging in there. ;-)

Humidity is way higher than I've ever know it to be, and I don't do well in high humidity. Or high heat.
I guess if I lived in a really cold place, I'd be reading this post and wondering what this person is complaining about. We always want what we cannot have.

Hope your day went well, and that you are either happy because you bought the games you wanted, or because you refrained from doing so. <laughing>
Good morning. =)

No need to apologize, it didn't read as self-pity.

Don't worry about talking to yourself. You aren't the only one who does that.

People complain ceaselessly when they think they know what they want. Then they find out that they never knew to begin with once they're miserable with what they thought constituted perfect happiness.
In the case of weather preference, you know what you want. In a climate that wasn't extremely cold, extremely hot or extremely humid aside from rainfall, you'd be happy.

It wasn't a bad day here.

The seemingly endless bathroom renovation is almost done, which is a very, very good thing.
The weather was cooler, a bit more humid, but it didn't pour rain all over the power tools that were strewn about the place, another very good thing.

It's a combination in regards to the games thing. Pleased with what I got, still want more as if I need them right this second, a totally irrational nonsense thought, tempered by a desire to at the very least save what little money I can rather than blowing it all on what are ultimately trivialities.

But at the very least I took a chainsaw to my wishlist, so it's now much smaller than it was previously.
Still ridiculously large, but with a shot of luck another heavy sale could be sufficient to finally put the damned thing down for good.

Beyond all that, it's the usual parade of nothing in particular. -laughs-

How are you doing today?
CarrionCrow: Not a problem. I'm all for people having larger and larger backlogs. ;)

Might get those later. Maybe after more reviews for them are out.
Other stuff stood out more, so I grabbed that instead.

Additional - Listening to the song of the day, and I now want a copy of UHF. Thanks, Billy. ;P
Sorr felt asleep before i could reply :)

Yes. GOG had really good releases recently but i'm pretty sure about getting Interstellaria. For Cosmonautice i'll wait for more reviews as well...

Nice to have the Song of the day again and that one was again a great one :)
ElTerprise: Sorr felt asleep before i could reply :)

Yes. GOG had really good releases recently but i'm pretty sure about getting Interstellaria. For Cosmonautice i'll wait for more reviews as well...

Nice to have the Song of the day again and that one was again a great one :)
How dare you sleep rather than respond to me immediately! I am deeply offended, sir!
(Don't let the laughter fool you...)

Also, good morning. =)

That seems like the better move at present, Cosmonautica is getting reviews that all sing the same song of bugs and the need for a solid patching before someone buys it.

Yes, it certainly is. As much as people praise Weird Al's parody songs, I find myself liking his completely original work even more. Probably because I enjoy him while hating pop music.

At this point, I'll be sticking to sales. Every time I try to not care, a list item pops up when my budget's dead.
Also, if I pick off stragglers, I won't have to burn my cash supply to pieces like I did with the summer sale.
Went a little nuts on that one, and since it's me saying that, it was pretty bad.
Good Morning
CarrionCrow: How dare you sleep rather than respond to me immediately! I am deeply offended, sir!
(Don't let the laughter fool you...)

Also, good morning. =)

That seems like the better move at present, Cosmonautica is getting reviews that all sing the same song of bugs and the need for a solid patching before someone buys it.

Yes, it certainly is. As much as people praise Weird Al's parody songs, I find myself liking his completely original work even more. Probably because I enjoy him while hating pop music.

At this point, I'll be sticking to sales. Every time I try to not care, a list item pops up when my budget's dead.
Also, if I pick off stragglers, I won't have to burn my cash supply to pieces like I did with the summer sale.
Went a little nuts on that one, and since it's me saying that, it was pretty bad.
Oh i'm sorry :) (and again a late reply *sigh*)
Good morning.

Yes looks like it. I really like the look of Cosmonautica but it seems quite buggy indeed...although it had been in Early Access.
I'm not a friend of pop music either and i'm actually not that familiar with Weird Al Yankovic aside from some parody songs but everytime songs from him were linked here i really liked them and the recent one was really good.

Stickling to sales sounds like a good idea. I usually (try) do the same.
Post edited August 03, 2015 by ElTerprise
ElTerprise: Oh i'm sorry :) (and again a late reply *sigh*)
Good morning.

Yes looks like it. I really like the look of Cosmonautica but it seems quite buggy indeed...although it had been in Early Access.
I'm not a friend of pop music either and i'm actually not that familiar with Weird Al Yankovic aside from some parody songs but everytime songs from him were linked here i really liked them and the recent one was really good.

Stickling to sales sounds like a good idea. I usually (try) do the same.
When it's an item I've been looking forward to rather than another pile of games for the backlog, I'm willing to pay retail.
The rest of the time, money gets stretched as far as possible.
And I am back to work. Thus I respond here more often.
Irenicusss: Good Morning
Hi. How are you?
Good morning, folks! It's 4:30am here, been up about an hour with Sarge, who is having a particularly needy morning. He's basically house and kennel trained, so if he freaks out in the middle of the night, it usually means he has to use the bathroom. I'm pretty sure this morning he just wanted some company, so we got comfy on the couch together. He is now back to snoring--and pooting--like his normal pre-sunrise self. :)

I hope all are doing well! I'm running on about 3 hours sleep, but at one point last night my plan was to stay up all night playing The Witcher 3, so I figure that cancels out my right to feel cheated. And once 5am rolls around, the lady will be awake and I can be noisy enough to make some coffee. Mmm, coffee. I think I'll close my eyes and dream about it a little.

Today's big plans: start a list of things to prepare for upcoming vacation with the lady, take a nap or three, and catch up on cleaning, as I was super lazy all weekend.
ElTerprise: Yes. GOG had really good releases recently but i'm pretty sure about getting Interstellaria. For Cosmonautice i'll wait for more reviews as well...
Of the two, I've only played Interstellaria, and I've really enjoyed it so far. I've run into a couple bugs, but based on what I've seen of the reviews, Cosmonautica seems too bugged to enjoy playing. I've had a blast with Interstellaria so far, but I'd highly recommend saving often. Chances are, you won't stumble across a bug, but one of the nastier ones I've encountered had half of my crew stuck inside a wall after an enemy knocked them back in a fight. That was about the time I decided to start saving often, as I hadn't done so in a good half hour or more when that happened. :)
Post edited August 03, 2015 by akhliber
This thread is D-E-D. Dead.
Hello there, lovely people of the thread!

How are you all doing today? I hope you are all doing wonderful?

I have had one of the best weekends ever. I found out what my partners sneaky planning was all about, and what she was secretly writing, and it has made me so happy that I have been grinning like a cheshire cat.

I will leave this little quote from Charlotte Bronte as a little clue about what the lovely surprise was. :-)

“My love has placed her gentle hand
With noble faith in mine,
And vowed that wedlock's sacred band
Our nature shall entwine.

My love has sworn, with sealing kiss,
With me to live -- to die;
I have at last my nameless bliss:
As I love -- loved am I!”
~ Charlotte Bronte.

*lots of extra special happy hugs*
ddickinson: Hello there, lovely people of the thread!

How are you all doing today? I hope you are all doing wonderful?

I have had one of the best weekends ever. I found out what my partners sneaky planning was all about, and what she was secretly writing, and it has made me so happy that I have been grinning like a cheshire cat.

I will leave this little quote from Charlotte Bronte as a little clue about what the lovely surprise was. :-)

“My love has placed her gentle hand
With noble faith in mine,
And vowed that wedlock's sacred band
Our nature shall entwine.

My love has sworn, with sealing kiss,
With me to live -- to die;
I have at last my nameless bliss:
As I love -- loved am I!”
~ Charlotte Bronte.

*lots of extra special happy hugs*
AAAAHHHH!!!! Congratulations!!! OH MY GOOOOODDD!!!! :D
Soccorro: AAAAHHHH!!!! Congratulations!!! OH MY GOOOOODDD!!!! :D
Hello, Soccorro! *big happy hug*

How are you? Did you have a lovely weekend?