LaPtiteBete: Wow... SEXY !!! n__o
I'll take a coffee too... I didn't know you could skate !
Errrr... actually, I can't skate at all :"| I tried so many times, but couldn't get the hang of it :'-(
Those wheels you see don't actually spin, they are just decoration.
**Pretends to skate, but really just walks to Owl to deliver her coffee** LaPtiteBete: We saw each other yesterday evening on Terraria :D it's not
that long ago...
**Crushing hug with a big steak and plenty of vegetables because you can't eat just a few strawberries** Things are good... and at your place ? :)
Still feels like years ;-p
What are these veg-uh-tuh-bils you speak of? Grumbl hrmph... FINE! I'll eat some vegetables >:-|
**Big thanks for supervising me hug** Things are good here. Nausea kept me up during the night due to medication, but I'm okay right now :-) And yourself?