EndreWhiteMane: That is a joke right? You don't really do that do you?
GreenDamsel: I love how Americans are the most innocent people I know.
You can basically tell any story you want and they still believe you.
My top three by now is:
1. In France, war is declared by throwing a croissant at another person.
2. In Europe, it is offensive to speak of yourself in the third person as it is reserved for royalty.
3. In Germany, everyone has to wear a badge indicating his religion. (Somehow this makes me sad^^)
You didn't say
had to wear a badge, you referred to it as 'German tradition', that's what made me curious.
I've seen some very odd traditions, here and in other countries.
We're not all that innocent, we just have all we can do to keep up with what's going on in our own country ;)