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Good evening (nearly said morning again), people!

How are you all today?

*hugs and waves*
ddickinson: Good evening (nearly said morning again), people!

How are you all today?

*hugs and waves*
*big hug* How are you? Did you have are relaxing Sunday?
moonshineshadow: Censoring is kinda like not swearing out loud but only thinking it :D
I like that. But i usually swear quite loud - in case i need to swear ;)....but i can try to do that as well :D

ddickinson: Good evening (nearly said morning again), people!

How are you all today?

*hugs and waves*
Good evening DD *big hug*
Doing really good here :D
What about you?
moonshineshadow: *big hug* How are you? Did you have are relaxing Sunday?
Still not too good (about the same as yesterday, although today I am burning up a little while having cold chills, very strange), but I'm okay. MY day has been quite relaxing, I slept soooo much today. I went to bed about midnight, and slept for about 14 hours solid, which is so very strange for me. I probably would have slept for longer but my partner woke me up as she wanted me to have something to eat and drink, and to take my medication that I was due to take earlier but she let me sleep through in the morning. Other than that I have just been playing the vampire girl, as I am still very pale, and been wearing sunglasses as the light is really hurting my eyes.

I did almost have a nasty fall in the shower, but luckily my lovely partner was there to save me. She was keeping an eye on me and managed to catch me before I fell completely, even though she was fully dressed and ended up soaked. She say me down and pulled me her very worried face, so I used some expert flirtation diversion tactics. I told her that while I have always found her to be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, she looks very beautiful with her hair wet. This earned me a smile, a lovely kiss, and took a bit of the worried look of her face. So I am calling that one a victory. :-)

I was told to not risk a shower or anything like that, but after 14 hours of sleep I wanted to freshen up. The doctors told me that the collapse will take its toll on my body for a while which is why I am still so dizzy, nauseous, and all the other stuff. They said it will take a few days to get better and be able to do things.

Sorry to hear your simulation is causing you so much trouble. I think a nice rest is the right idea. Hopefully tomorrow you can approach it with a fresh and rested mind and things will work out. Other than that how are you?

*lots of hugs*

ElTerprise: Good evening DD *big hug*
Doing really good here :D
What about you?
Hello! *return hug*

Glad to hear you are doing good.

I am still not doing too good, but doing okay, and still smiling. :-)

Have you had a lovely day?
Post edited July 20, 2015 by ddickinson
ddickinson: Hello! *return hug*

Glad to hear you are doing good.

I am still not doing too good, but doing okay, and still smiling. :-)

Have you had a lovely day?
Good to hear that you can still smile but i hope you'll improving soon so *lots of get better hugs* :)

Thank you. Yes i had a pretty good. Well the weather was/is crap but i got my Dual Boot running :D
ddickinson: <bad stuff>

*lots of hugs*
*extra big get well hug* That does not sound that good. I hope you can get better soon. Please be careful in th next days ok? Especially if you find yourself alone.
ElTerprise: Well i usually don't censor swearing but i realised that many here in the thread do...
I didn't used to, but my supervisor always does, so it has rubbed off on me :-p
... and DD made me start saying "pluck", which is quite a lovely replacement for the other word :-)
moonshineshadow: *extra big get well hug* That does not sound that good. I hope you can get better soon. Please be careful in th next days ok? Especially if you find yourself alone.
Thank you for your lovely concern. I will be behaving these next few days. Me and my partner have been having a talk about it today and the last think I want to do is worry her because I am a restless person. I will be trying my very best to just rest over these next few days. And I will be alone for the most part this next week, sadly :-(. My partner was unable to get the week or work. But she did get the week after off, so hopefully I will be well enough then and we can spend that week together while I recover.

I hate that I slept for most of the day, but I guess that can't be helped.

How are you?

*lots of big hugs*

ElTerprise: Good to hear that you can still smile but i hope you'll improving soon so *lots of get better hugs* :)

Thank you. Yes i had a pretty good. Well the weather was/is crap but i got my Dual Boot running :D
Of course I am still smiling, I won't let something like this stop me being my happy self. :-)

So you have your dual boot running now. So what next, what will you use each operating system for?

AgentBirdnest: I didn't used to, but my supervisor always does, so it has rubbed off on me :-p
... and DD made me start saying "pluck", which is quite a lovely replacement for the other word :-)
Hello, lovely Agent!

How are you today?

I just realised that the words that I use instead of actual curse (because I am a good girl and never curse :-)) words all begin with B. :-)

Post edited July 20, 2015 by ddickinson
jdsgn: Tell us a bit about Trails in the Sky, if you don't mind! Can you recommend it?
superstande: Uhm.... It's a story of these kids traveling around the country of Liberl.
Lots of dialogue, lots of walking around. But it's quite funny, if you don't mind the characters getting a bit silly sometimes. The game mechanics are actually very advanced and well designed.
And they better be, since there's quite a lot of combat :)
That's the game in a nutshell.
That absolutely sounds like a game I'd like to play.
It's been on sale on several occasions, I think I'll keep my eyes open and try to get a copy for myself.
moonshineshadow: Yeah... and it is already late... if I continue I won't be able to sleep later... so I'll just hope for some great inspiration tomorrow morning to fix it in the hour before my Prof. shows up...
**Big good-luck calming hugs**
AgentBirdnest: I didn't used to, but my supervisor always does, so it has rubbed off on me :-p
... and DD made me start saying "pluck", which is quite a lovely replacement for the other word :-)
I see. Well but you could also use Frak ;)
ddickinson: Of course I am still smiling, I won't let something like this stop me being my happy self. :-)

So you have your dual boot running now. So what next, what will you use each operating system for?
That's great to hear. :)

Well i actually haven't planned that yet. But i might use for stuff like Online-Banking or generally internet usage...
Post edited July 20, 2015 by ElTerprise
moonshineshadow: Yeah... and it is already late... if I continue I won't be able to sleep later... so I'll just hope for some great inspiration tomorrow morning to fix it in the hour before my Prof. shows up...
LaPtiteBete: :-(
**Big good-luck calming hugs**
*thank you hug*
ddickinson: Hello, lovely Agent!

How are you today?

I just realised that the words that I use instead of actual curse (because I am a good girl and never curse :-)) words all begin with B. :-)

Evening, D.

Not doing well at the moment... I don't mean to sound rude or dramatic, but I'd prefer to just leave it at that. I'll probably be feeling better in the morning. The first half of the day was nice though :-)

Interesting fact about your replacement swear words :-) I tend to replace swears with the word "shark". I have no idea where I got that idea, but I am stuck saying it now :-)

*extra big, warm hugs for the lovely Battle Sister*
ElTerprise: That's great to hear. :)

Well i actually haven't planned that yet. But i might use for stuff like Online-Banking or generally internet usage...
So was it all just a big experiment to see if you could get it working?

AgentBirdnest: Evening, D.

Not doing well at the moment... I don't mean to sound rude or dramatic, but I'd prefer to just leave it at that. I'll probably be feeling better in the morning. The first half of the day was nice though :-)

Interesting fact about your replacement swear words :-) I tend to replace swears with the word "shark". I have no idea where I got that idea, but I am stuck saying it now :-)

*extra big, warm hugs for the lovely Battle Sister*
I am sorry to hear you are not doing too well at the moment. And don't worry, you don't sound rude or dramatic. If you ever want to talk about it you know where my PM is, it's always there for you. I hope you will feel better soon. *lots of big comforting hugs*

None of my replacement words are really that bad, I don't really swear at all, I never have. I tend to use words like bloody instead of anything worse.

*lots of big peanut butter scented hugs*
ddickinson: Good evening (nearly said morning again), people!

How are you all today?

*hugs and waves*
Good evening, lovely DD !!
I'm glad you managed to rest that much... and sorry that you almost fell in your bathroom... **sigh**. At least your doctors had "warned" you, and hopefully you listen to them and your lovely partner :) so I'm sure you'll manage to stay at home this week, and only think about getting better.
**Big comforting and soothing hugs**
AgentBirdnest: Not doing well at the moment... I don't mean to sound rude or dramatic, but I'd prefer to just leave it at that.
Aaaaaawwww :'-(
**Extra big comforting hug**
Post edited July 20, 2015 by LaPtiteBete