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EndreWhiteMane: No, you're OK, it's just the stupid pills. I imagine they're Lortab or something like it. They always put you in a bit of a fog for a while.
They do make it a bit easier to sleep which is a plus side, the dizzy and stomach are what you trade for that though.
As far as sleeping promise us you'll do as much of that as possible for a couple more days. <stern face>
Much of the dizziness was there before the medication, so was the nausea. The medication is probably not helping that, but I don't think it is the only cause.

Sleep more? But I'm not tired *yawns*. :-)

I intend to sleep some more, I will probably spend tomorrow and the next few days just resting. I want to at least be more mobile, so if it takes a few days of sleep then okay. I already promised my partner that I would be a good girl and get some rest, but I will promise you as well. I don't feel up to anything else anyway, between the pain, the nausea, and the dizziness.
moonshineshadow: I died horribly. And then I got the right equipment and it was so easy I felt like I cheated o.O
What did you use? I actually had the luck to get enough meteorite for the Stargun and the meterorite armor which reduced the mana cost of the star gun to zero. I also had the Hellstone sword (forgot the name of it) but i'm terrible at dodging the attacks...:D
pimpmonkey2382.313: Yeah that was the best period, wish that didn't get manipulated.
ElTerprise: Yes. It's a real shame...
pimpmonkey2382.313: *hugs Elt* :)
ElTerprise: *big retun hug* :)
Sorry about my rants, I'm a huge history buff. lol
ElTerprise: Uhm?? Sorry didn't get that :)
"Tonight we dine in hell" ... but it is still afternoon for some, so it's tonevenoon instead of tonight... It isn't quite as catchy that way though :-p
pimpmonkey2382.313: Sorry about my rants, I'm a huge history buff. lol
Don't worry. I'm also really into history :).
moonshineshadow: I died horribly. And then I got the right equipment and it was so easy I felt like I cheated o.O
ElTerprise: What did you use? I actually had the luck to get enough meteorite for the Stargun and the meterorite armor which reduced the mana cost of the star gun to zero. I also had the Hellstone sword (forgot the name of it) but i'm terrible at dodging the attacks...:D
I had a life reg amulet, put up the life reg lamp, the campfire and drank a reg tonic. With my armor (this demonstone or however it is called) and the defense potion that was enough to never really get dangerously low on health :D
So i just jumped around using my ice boomerang or my lightsaber thing to kill it,
Post edited July 19, 2015 by moonshineshadow
LaPtiteBete: Youre right, you're too hard on yourself... and I hope you'll follow your doctors and partner's advice and rest... :)
I will. Me and my partner had a long talk about it tonight. She is very concerned and worried, and while she knows I don't misbehave deliberately or to cause her any trouble, I am quite restless, and she wan't me to just take things easy, which is not really easy for me as I am used to been active all the time. But I am trying my best to behave. And after seeing how concerned my partner was this evening I will make sure I behave and just get some rest.
LaPtiteBete: Youre right, you're too hard on yourself... and I hope you'll follow your doctors and partner's advice and rest... :)
LOL! That just gave me the biggest laugh of the night XD
AgentBirdnest: "Tonight we dine in hell" ... but it is still afternoon for some, so it's tonevenoon instead of tonight... It isn't quite as catchy that way though :-p i get it [/utterly stupid] :P
ElTerprise: i get it [/utterly stupid] :P
Now we are even for that "Adamnoon" thing ;-D
moonshineshadow: I had a life reg amulet, put up the life reg lamp, the campfire and drank a reg tonic. With my armor (this demonstone or however it is called) and the defense potion that was enough to never really get dangerously low on health :D
So i just jumped around using my icebow or my lightsaber thing to kill it,
Sounds actually like a good way to kill that skeleton...i actually forgot all important potions except healing potions when i fought it the first time :D. Icebow sounds pretty awesome and the Phaseblade is really good and pretty fast :)
AgentBirdnest: Now we are even for that "Adamnoon" thing ;-D
Yes...we're even :D
Post edited July 19, 2015 by ElTerprise
Hello all :-) Happy Saturday/Sunday (timezones are weird) Hope we are all well.
cecil: Hello all :-) Happy Saturday/Sunday (timezones are weird) Hope we are all well.
Good evening . Sunday here and doing good here. What about you?
cecil: Hello all :-) Happy Saturday/Sunday (timezones are weird) Hope we are all well.
ElTerprise: Good evening . Sunday here and doing good here. What about you?
I am well wish it was winter but besides that I am quite happy :)
cecil: I am well wish it was winter but besides that I am quite happy :)
Glad to hear that. Too hot then?