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pimpmonkey2382.313: *hugs and pets owls head* Beer would definitely help. :) Thank you for the encouragement. :D
LaPtiteBete: Haaaaaaa :D a beer friend !!
What beers do you like ? lager, dark, amber... ? :)
**Big happy hug back... before running and get some peanuts**
Love all 3 of those types. :D
ElTerprise: Bonsoir Owl *big hug*
C'est un avatar génial :D
Comment ça va?
Bonsoir ElT !!! :D
Merci beaucoup pour ce joli compliment...
Je vais bien, et toi ?? :D
Any funny plans for your evening ?
**Big happy French hug**
EndreWhiteMane: Worms World Party Remastered
Steam: 20 ratings, average 30%
GOG: 14 ratings, average 100%

You sometimes wonder if it's even the same game. :/
I used to love it !!! :D waiting for a nice discount...
definitely more than 30% ... I'll give it 80-100% !!
l0rdtr3k: *grabs Owl and forces her to watch the video* Watch it,Owl.It's not going to make you weep for humanity or I'll bring the satchel and the Pringles can.
Definitely : no. And there's no point in threatening me ; or I'll just won't answer you anymore. >:-|
Post edited July 16, 2015 by LaPtiteBete
LaPtiteBete: Bonsoir ElT !!! :D
Merci beaucoup pour ce joli compliment...
Je vais bien, et toi ?? :D
Any funny plans for your evening ?
**Big happy French hug**
Je vais super :D
Well staying at the forum and listening to some music. I'm too excited for anything else although i'd like to try to visit the dungeon in Terraria after i beat Skeletron today ;)
What are your plans for the evening? And how is the Owlet?
LaPtiteBete: Eeeer, no, I didn't use it there :) I used to have my own forums... before I had GOG. It was not video games related, though...
I know you're honest !!! **Crushing thank-you hug** :D
And glad to know you're doing so well !!
Any plans for your... fantabariffic evenight ? :)
Your own forums? cooool o__o ... You are even more badass than I thought :-D
Plans... plans... well, I have a couple games in mind I'm likely to play. A jug of water to drink. Might watch movie or show. Nothing really exciting or out of the ordinary. Just relaxing a bit...
How about yourself? Mouse hunting? Star collecting? Hooting? .... other Owl-related stuff? :-p
**pleasant evening hug**
pimpmonkey2382.313: Love all 3 of those types. :D
Have you tried Belgian beers ? :) to me, they are the best in the world...
That being said... I never tried any of your American ones ;-)
LaPtiteBete: Have you tried Belgian beers ? :) to me, they are the best in the world...
That being said... I never tried any of your American ones ;-)
Oh...belgian beers :D
ElTerprise: Je vais super :D
Well staying at the forum and listening to some music. I'm too excited for anything else although i'd like to try to visit the dungeon in Terraria after i beat Skeletron today ;)
What are your plans for the evening? And how is the Owlet?
There is a dungeon in Terraria ? ô__ô ...
As in Minecraft ?...
I'm only at the beginning...
Do you know hw to setup mutliplayer games ? I've been trying, and failing, many times... :-(
My plans ?... Well... Eat something... Then I'll have a little work to finish... and then, relax and play a game... :)
My owlet is doing much better, thank you very much :) she's just a little more tired and grumpy than usual ; but I think tomorrow she'll feel as good as new...
**More happy hug** :)
LaPtiteBete: There is a dungeon in Terraria ? ô__ô ...
As in Minecraft ?...
I'm only at the beginning...
Do you know hw to setup mutliplayer games ? I've been trying, and failing, many times... :-(
My plans ?... Well... Eat something... Then I'll have a little work to finish... and then, relax and play a game... :)
My owlet is doing much better, thank you very much :) she's just a little more tired and grumpy than usual ; but I think tomorrow she'll feel as good as new...
**More happy hug** :)
Yes. And it's pretty vital for progress iirc. But you need to beat the Skeletron boss to access the dungeon.
Sorry can't help you with that. Only played it in singleplayer so far.
Sounds like a good plan ;)

That's really great news - let's hope it'll be the case tomorrow *big happy return hug*
AgentBirdnest: Your own forums? cooool o__o ... You are even more badass than I thought :-D
Plans... plans... well, I have a couple games in mind I'm likely to play. A jug of water to drink. Might watch movie or show. Nothing really exciting or out of the ordinary. Just relaxing a bit...
How about yourself? Mouse hunting? Star collecting? Hooting? .... other Owl-related stuff? :-p
**pleasant evening hug**
Hehe yeah baby B-| ... I was admin. Whole power. Now it's totally dead ... :'-|
What games have you in mind ?... :)
Wouldn't you like some beer, instead of your usual 'boring' water ? ;-p
A movie ? a show ?... nice !!
I don't know precisely... I might play a little... I must finish my work first... :-( pff.
Haha... hoot hooot {o,o} ... I prefer frogs than mice, I'm a French owl after all...
**Feathery fluffy hug**

ElTerprise: Oh...belgian beers :D
Want some ? :D What is your favourite ?...
Post edited July 16, 2015 by LaPtiteBete
ElTerprise: Yes. That's what i basically meant as well but you said in a better way :)

And it's true. Lot of questionable reviews on Steam. As i said i don't trust Steam reviews - but i also have my problems with those on GOG...
GOG reviews can also be a problem. I don't base my thoughts on whether or not to buy on those alone, either.
(Well, unless it has a lot of people screaming how awful it is. It might get a second look based on that.)

The way I look at it, there's always something bad to find in a game, no matter how good it is.
So if someone's going on about how a title changed their life, I tend to get suspicious in a hurry.
LaPtiteBete: Want some ? :D What is your favourite ?...
Yes sure. Don't think i've a favourite yet because i was only able to try them when i was in Brussels some years ago. But i liked Leffe and some of the stronger abbey beers ;)
LaPtiteBete: Hehe yeah baby B-| ... I was admin. Whole power. Now it's totally dead ... :'-|
Hmm. You're one of the few people whose forum I'd actually frequent.
CarrionCrow: GOG reviews can also be a problem. I don't base my thoughts on whether or not to buy on those alone, either.
(Well, unless it has a lot of people screaming how awful it is. It might get a second look based on that.)

The way I look at it, there's always something bad to find in a game, no matter how good it is.
So if someone's going on about how a title changed their life, I tend to get suspicious in a hurry.
Agreed. And i usually don't really look at the reviews here except for some cases similar to those you mentioned and i'd generally agree that something like the perfect game without flaws doesn't exist nor won't. But it's positive that the reviews on GOG are not that much in-your-face than on Steam imho.
EndreWhiteMane: In the end I really don't go by reviews at all unless there are hundreds of them that all lean one way or the other.
I just always think it's funny how radically different they can be from one site to another.
One big difference with this one is that GOG didn't get the newer Worms games to compare it to.
I tend to go with gut response more than anything else these days.
Too many reviews I disagree from both sites and customers.

Can't really get into the Worms thing specifically, not really interested, have never played any of them.

Additional - I know I've been bitching about games, so I'll recommend something that's actually good.
That title would be Orcs Must Die. It's a combination of tower defense and third-person action game where you set traps in between directly attacking hordes of enemies. Fun game, even if it does kick my ass a fair bit.
Post edited July 16, 2015 by CarrionCrow
CarrionCrow: Can't really get into the Worms thing specifically, not really interested, have never played any of them.
Well they really shine in local multiplayer. They are not nearly as fun in singleplayer imho...
CarrionCrow: Additional - I know I've been bitching about games, so I'll recommend something that's actually good.
That title would be Orcs Must Die. It's a combination of tower defense and third-person action game where you set traps in between directly attacking hordes of enemies. Fun game, even if it does kick my ass a fair bit.
Hmmm...would you even recommend it to someone who's not an overly friend of TD?
Post edited July 16, 2015 by ElTerprise