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*good night hugs and waves*
ddickinson: Thank you for the offer, but she is visiting her family, and I would not want to spoil that, as she has not seen her sisters for some time.

Thank you. I am sure everything will come back fine, or at least manageable.

That is what Agent is for, to blame for anything that goes wrong. :-)

*lots of big hugs*
Ok... So... we'll just keep you company until she comes back :D
Do you plan nice things for your evenings anyway ? did you have enough time, energy or mood to play some games lately ? :)
**Even more big happy hugs**

CarrionCrow: That's assuming I can actually get a decent picture to come out. Putting the odds on that at less than 50/50.
Yes, yes, you can !!! :D
Post edited July 14, 2015 by LaPtiteBete
LaPtiteBete: I will never let you burn any of my family members hair... I don't know what you do with yours, but leave ours alone >:-|
Alright, fine... No fire...
By the way, did you offer your Owlet a wig? I have an Edward Scissorhands wig in a box of Halloween stuff somewhere...

...and... I just found the Mormon Edward Scissorhands XD
LaPtiteBete: At least you don't wear pointy helmets like late XIXth century Prussian soldiers :D
ElTerprise: Something like this ;)
Yes... Poor blob !!! n__n
ddickinson: It seems that many people hated that game. Very few said it lived up to its predecessors. At least that is another game you can forget about now.
It has far too much MMO stink, as I call it.

The story isn't great, and the ultimate goal is to repeat, and repeat, and repeat in order to get better weapons and armor. Every ability in the game is based around weapon damage, you get virtually nothing when you level up aside from unlocking more weapon-modified abilities, and the only way to add to those totals is to increase them through loot bonuses.
It's all bound to loot, and obtaining loot is bound to grinding.

Along with that, their method of adding longevity to the game is what's called season mode, wherein you're supposed to make a new character and grind yourself silly in order to obtain loot that isn't available in the main game or expansion until they patch it in later on.

If I wanted to play an MMO, I'd be playing one.

Beyond that, playing hardcore feels like it's a matter of time before you run across elite enemies who have random abilities in such a way that you're going to get killed.
I have no desire to get so angry I can't see straight when I run across enemies who can pin me in place and leave me to sit here watching hours and hours of time go down the drain when my character gets dogpiled to death.
LaPtiteBete: Yes, yes, you can !!! :D
-laughing hard- Yeah, it'll be great. It'll be a blurry, dark, out of focus picture with an out of focus eyeball when I take off my glasses to remove reflections from the monitor.
Post edited July 14, 2015 by CarrionCrow
LaPtiteBete: Yes... Poor blob !!! n__n
Indeed...thankfully Agent doesn't wear that :)
ddickinson: I think I had better call it a night. I had not notices how late it was getting.

I hope you all have a lovely evening!

*goodnight hugs and silly waves*
Good night DD !!
I won't laste longer either... :)
Have a good night !!
**Big goodnight hugs with lovely dreams**
See you tomorrow !!
moonshineshadow: *good night hugs and waves*
Good night Moon !!
Read you tomorrow !!
**Big goodnight hugs with fluffy pillows**
Post edited July 14, 2015 by LaPtiteBete
ddickinson: I think I had better call it a night. I had not notices how late it was getting.

I hope you all have a lovely evening!

*goodnight hugs and silly waves*
Good night and sleep well DD *big good night hug*
See you tomorrow :)
ddickinson: So, on a more game related note: have you finished Diablo 3 yet?
CarrionCrow: Never had a reason not to be.

Beat it on hardcore expert mode, then deleted the character, the game and the client.
I have better games to play. If I have to gamble close to 30 hours of progress in order to feel like I'm getting something from it, they've failed.
Aah diablo, champion of time wasters, avatar of procastrination, bane of productivity.

Let me recount an anecdote about my favorite subject, me, and something not so favorite, WoW.

I played WoW for 3 months once, urged by a friend, and a desire to: "find out once and for all what the flying fuck is up with this game and everybody's grandmother."

During those 3 months I played the damn game for no other reason than: "this thing costs money so I'm wasting it if I don't play."

When my subscription expired, I felt three things.
1- That I had achieved absolutely nothing (not even having fun)
2- That I was going to miss absolutely nothing.
3- Liberated.

And in the end the question of "Why do all these people play WoW?" became an even greater mystery to me.
ddickinson: *goodnight hugs and silly waves*
God night, DD! *big goodnight hug*
moonshineshadow: *good night hugs and waves*
*big goodnight hug*
Sleep well, Moon!
AgentBirdnest: Alright, fine... No fire...
By the way, did you offer your Owlet a wig? I have an Edward Scissorhands wig in a box of Halloween stuff somewhere...

...and... I just found the Mormon Edward Scissorhands XD
Aaaaw... not sure if cute or freaky... õ__ô..... freakingly cute ?...
AgentBirdnest: ...and... I just found the Mormon Edward Scissorhands XD
LaPtiteBete: Aaaaw... not sure if cute or freaky... õ__ô..... freakingly cute ?...
That sounds about right :-p
(I'd bet a month's supply of peanut butter that that pic is in my hometown... I can just feel it....)
Good evenight, j0ekerr !! :)
I can't tell anything about WOW... !
AgentBirdnest: Alright, fine... No fire...
By the way, did you offer your Owlet a wig? I have an Edward Scissorhands wig in a box of Halloween stuff somewhere...

...and... I just found the Mormon Edward Scissorhands XD
LaPtiteBete: Aaaaw... not sure if cute or freaky... õ__ô..... freakingly cute ?...
I have come to the conclusion, that I hate Tim Burton and his emo hair.

I have plans to build a rocket to launch everyone who claims the Burton 1989 movie was better than the Nolan trilogy, right into the sun.

I keep needing more storage space.

LaPtiteBete: Good evenight, j0ekerr !! :)
I can't tell anything about WOW... !
As you should, it's best to know nothing, specially at this point.

It might have been fun once, I can assure you, it isn't anymore.
Post edited July 14, 2015 by j0ekerr
moonshineshadow: *good night hugs and waves*
Good night Moon and sleep well *big good night hugs and waves*
See you tomorrow :)

Alright. I think i go to sleep now as well. Good night and see you all tomorrow :)
*big good night hugs and waves*