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AgentBirdnest: =__o ... Oh, you're alive \o/
I've only been playing Shadowrun for a couple of hours, but I dig it so far. I have not played many RPGs at all, so I'm probably going to sound like an idiot, but here I go...
- Controls are simple and easy, which I like.
- I haven't spent too much time with the skill system, but it seems like a good one, and I can't wait to explore it further.
- The story is intriguing so far. Very interested in what comes next.
- I really dig the atmosphere. It is excellent. Cyberpunky, which I automatically love. The post-apocalyptic feel is just right. The art, the lighting, and even the slang in the conversations fit the theme perfectly. It reminds me of one of my favourite TV shows, "Dark Angel" (it even takes place in the same city \o/)
... and of course, being an American, my character specializes in guns. Lots of guns B-|

Aw... I hope the weather turns out okay. At least you'll be awake if it does. Due to my ridiculous bedtime, I missed all the fireworks on the 4th of July :-(
**Bon 14 Juillet hug** (even though it is tomorrow ;-p)
Thanks for this early review, Agent !! :D
Glad to know the story is nice !... I love cyberpunk atmosphes too...
I still don't know Dark Angel :D but ... Jessica Alba. That is not something I would put in the "pros" column, so... :-p
Sorry that you miss the 4th July fireworks... I love them ! But I think I'll miss them anyway, as I have the owlet to look after... (I wanted to bring her with us, but that wouldn't be reasonable... that would make her miss many hours of sleep, and she is badly afraid of unexpecting things, as a working printer, or a cable drum, so... a deafening bunch of lights explosions... !! :-|)
Thanks for your wishes :D
**Big patriot hugs**
Good evening, Crow !!! :))
May I offer you a beer ? or you drink only coffee 24 hours a day ?
Good evening, melting Endre !!
Any interest in a good refreshing belgian beer ? :)
30°C is not the worst we had here, but 96% humidity ?? SOunds like a malaysian jungle or something like that... wow. Peope say that dry heat is more easily bearable...
**Big polar bear hug**
GreenDamsel: Never really. Bad mix of an extreme sense for discipline and free scheduling makes me work basically 16 hours a day. Some hours are slower than others though. And I'm really looking forward to being done in September and not having to feel like I must finish something.
16 hours a day ? :-( ... wow.
And you'll be done in September... do you work on a thesis or something ?... it's a lot of work anyway ! good luck. :-|
Post edited July 13, 2015 by LaPtiteBete
EndreWhiteMane: Aloha all, doing OK here today, hope everyone else is OK or better.
Finally turned the air on, 30C and rising at 96% humidity. <melt>
Funny thing is I don't even pay for air, it's part of my rent.
I just hate the stuff, it makes going outside like stepping into a furnace. :/
Once you turn it on, it is almost impossible to turn off or go outside. It is quite addicting :-\
Jeez... I can't imagine that humidity +__+ ... I'm lucky... I'm at high altitude and in the middle of the desert, so it is never humid here (but that means my lips are chapped all year long...)
LaPtiteBete: Thanks for this early review, Agent !! :D
Glad to know the story is nice !... I love cyberpunk atmosphes too...
I still don't know Dark Angel :D but ... Jessica Alba. That is not something I would put in the "pros" column, so... :-p
Sorry that you miss the 4th July fireworks... I love them ! But I think I'll miss them anyway, as I have the owlet to look after... (I wanted to bring her with us, but that wouldn't be reasonable... that would make her miss many hours of sleep, and she is badly afraid of unexpecting things, as a working printer, or a cable drum, so... a deafening bunch of lights explosions... !! :-|)
Thanks for your wishes :D
**Big patriot hugs**
No problem :-)
No love for Jess? Well, she isn't really that great of an actor... at all... but on the other hand, she is Jessica Alba n__n
Aw... well, sorry you'll miss your fireworks too (a working printer? ho... that sucks.) Want me to come buy and burn something to the ground for your entertainment instead? :-)
**Big French hug (whatever that is)**
Post edited July 13, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
AgentBirdnest: No problem :-)
No love for Jess? Well, she isn't really that great of an actor... at all... but on the other hand, she is Jessica Alba n__n
Aw... well, sorry you'll miss your fireworks too (a working printer? ho... that sucks.) Want me to come buy and burn something to the ground for your entertainment instead? :-)
**Big French hug (whatever that is)**
Nope, she's not really a good actress... :)
What does mean : "she is Jessica Alba ?"... I don't get it...
Hum... you could burn a fireworks shop to the ground, I'm sure that would be pretty cool to see... :)
LaPtiteBete: Nope, she's not really a good actress... :)
What does mean : "she is Jessica Alba ?"... I don't get it...
Hum... you could burn a fireworks shop to the ground, I'm sure that would be pretty cool to see... :)
I mean... she's Jessica Alba... I've uh... kinda... had a crush on her since I was about 12 years old :"|
Wooooo!! That would be <span class="bold">*grabs my [url=]Liberty torch* Lets go! ;-D
THIS alone might make the Trine 2 artbook worth buying. :-)
Back online, finally. Oh internet provider, why must you use such terrible hardware and then try to gouge me if I look for quality hardware myself. Greed is one thing, but you're inconveniencing not only I, but you yourself.
LaPtiteBete: Good evening, Crow !!! :))
May I offer you a beer ? or you drink only coffee 24 hours a day ?
Good evening.

My apologies, was called away suddenly and only just got back.
Not a frequent beer drinker, but I'll give one a try. Thank you. =)
Good day, quiet thread! :-)

It sure has been quite slow in here today, given it's a Monday. I hope you are all doing well and the quiet day is due to you all enjoying yourselves?

*hugs and waves*
ddickinson: Good day, quiet thread! :-)

It sure has been quite slow in here today, given it's a Monday. I hope you are all doing well and the quiet day is due to you all enjoying yourselves?

*hugs and waves*
Good evening. =)

Yes, it's not exactly hard to keep up with at the moment.

Doing all right here, how was your day?
CarrionCrow: Good evening. =)

Yes, it's not exactly hard to keep up with at the moment.

Doing all right here, how was your day?
Good evening! I see there is life here after all. :-)

Glad to hear you are doing okay.

I am okay, had better days, and I spend a lot of my time at hospital (for some more medical scans and tests), some other things as well, but nothing I need bother anyone with. Overall I am doing good.
I found a hiddem gem.Binary Domain.Check it out,it's really good and I barely heard of it.
ddickinson: Good day, quiet thread! :-)

It sure has been quite slow in here today, given it's a Monday. I hope you are all doing well and the quiet day is due to you all enjoying yourselves?

*hugs and waves*
*touch and plays with fluffy,coconut scented hair.*
Post edited July 14, 2015 by l0rdtr3k
l0rdtr3k: *touch and plays with fluffy,coconut scented hair.*
Hello there! How are you today? *big hug*
Good evening folks *big hugs and waves*

Just got back from work.

How are you all doing?
ddickinson: Hello there! How are you today? *big hug*
*still playing with fluffy hair* Oh,I'm fine.Just finished playing Binary Domain.As I said,it's a hidden gem.
Post edited July 14, 2015 by l0rdtr3k
ElTerprise: Good evening folks *big hugs and waves*

Just got back from work.

How are you all doing?
Good evening!

How was work, and how are you today?

*return hug*

l0rdtr3k: *still playing with fluffy hair* Oh,I'm fine.Just finished playing Binary Domain.As I said,it's a hidden gem.
That's good to hear. What kind of game is Binary Domain?