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EndreWhiteMane: I think maybe that would be one of those 'better ask first' situations. It would suck to go to jail just for having a little fun. :-)
Yeah, they'd freak out and I'd have to listen to their whiny shit. Fun thought, though.
CarrionCrow: I wonder if the person who brought a baby over would get mad if I painted an inverted pentagram on its head and said it was never too early for Halloween...
EndreWhiteMane: I think maybe that would be one of those 'better ask first' situations. It would suck to go to jail just for having a little fun. :-)
Edit: Unless the baby can spin it's head around 360 degrees, then I say go for it.
If that baby's head spins around, it starts spewing split pea soup and speaking in tongues?
I will officially take back everything I've said about how awful kids are.
Post edited July 13, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Apparently I forgot I had a $10 credit at Greenmangaming...why would I just forget that?! :P I can't even remember what I did to get that...but hey! They're having a sale, perfect time to find that out! XD
Switch to water, or make more coffee. Decisions, decisions.

Need more coffee. (Okay, it didn't take very long to decide.)
CarrionCrow: Switch to water, or make more coffee. Decisions, decisions.

Need more coffee. (Okay, it didn't take very long to decide.)
Coffee is just enhanced water, so... win/win.
CarrionCrow: Switch to water, or make more coffee. Decisions, decisions.

Need more coffee. (Okay, it didn't take very long to decide.)
Coelocanth: Coffee is just enhanced water, so... win/win.
Hadn't considered that. Good point. =)
Coelocanth: Coffee is just enhanced water, so... win/win.
CarrionCrow: Hadn't considered that. Good point. =)
using that argument so isn't almost everything liquid.. ;)
CarrionCrow: Switch to water, or make more coffee. Decisions, decisions.

Need more coffee. (Okay, it didn't take very long to decide.)
Coelocanth: Coffee is just enhanced water, so... win/win.
Coffee is dehydrating though. Better stick to water or tea (some kinds of tea are dehydrating as well).
Good morning everyone *big hugs and waves*

Hope you're all doing atleast ok :).
Howdy ya'll how be we? *hugs to those who want*
Hello everyone! How are you?
Well that was a nice ten hours or so of sleep. Good morning/afternoon/evening everybody.
3 hours and no post??? 0_0

*lures the peeps in with some unbelievably strong dark roast coffee*
Good afternoon, dear thread ! :D
**Big hugs and coffee**
How is everyone doing ?...
*sniffs coffee* ... thanks, but I prefer peanut butter ;-)

Good whatever time of whatever day it is, everyone! Hope everyone is well (unless you don't deserve to be, but I really doubt that would be the case) :-)
LaPtiteBete: Good afternoon, dear thread ! :D
**Big hugs and coffee**
How is everyone doing ?...
All is well thank you =)

And you?