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ElTerprise: Good to hear that. Ah the returning problem ;)

Day was good - did some cycling to and back from university - other than that i've been putting some more time into Terraria :)
It's multiple playthrough games for me, evidently.

Whether it's Borderlands, Diablo 3, Dawn of War 2 Retribution or Magic the Gathering, every game loaded up will take several runs to kill off.

Additional - noticing some deranged rental pricing right now.
If anyone's interested in Dawn of War: Dark Crusade, they've got it for 3.24.
Calling that deranged since it's the best game in the series, but it's cheaper than DOW 1 or Winter Assault.
Very odd.
Post edited July 07, 2015 by CarrionCrow
moonshineshadow: Sure. As long as the wiki keeps my beautiful shelf that gog destroyed I am happy ;-)
CarrionCrow: As soon as you sync up again, the list you've got now will be lost.
But I was looking, and it's possible to splice the images together by copying screenshots, cropping out the extras and stringing them together.
Image manipulation is pretty frigging far from my forte, but it looks like it's possible to save an image of the setup on the wiki by doing that. It's just time consuming to make it look right.
I have her wiki page mirrored so you don't need to copy/paste.
However there are several images missing on her existing wiki page.
Gilozard: But still - he didn't meet me, and left no way for the receptionist to know I was coming? Suddenly much less sure I want these people to be my financial advisors if they can't use Outlook effectively.
Go somewhere else. There are plenty of these people nowadays. If they're this lax, disorganized and don't value you BEFORE they have your money, what do you think it will be like after? Don't fall for a sales pitch. Think of what just happened as you giving a potential employee a first interview. And they decided not to show up without so much as a phone call. Would you want to hire this person?
wow! This game has a bar built into a space ship :p
supposedly coming to gog on the 15th
CarrionCrow: It's multiple playthrough games for me, evidently.

Whether it's Borderlands, Diablo 3, Dawn of War 2 Retribution or Magic the Gathering, every game loaded up will take several runs to kill off.

Additional - noticing some deranged rental pricing right now.
If anyone's interested in Dawn of War: Dark Crusade, they've got it for 3.24.
Calling that deranged since it's the best game in the series, but it's cheaper than DOW 1 or Winter Assault.
Very odd.
Ah i see - but what about Diablo 3? Isn't that beatable in one run?
well my gaming habits are actually worse because "beating" a Paradox game or something like Terraria is not really possible ;)
Your list reminds me to finish Borderlands at some point....
EndreWhiteMane: I have her wiki page mirrored so you don't need to copy/paste.
However there are several images missing on her existing wiki page.
Noticed that. Things like Grimrock 2 and Trine have glitched out images. Would have to pull those from somewhere else.
superstande: wow! This game has a bar built into a space ship :p
supposedly coming to gog on the 15th
That game looks awesome :)
superstande: wow! This game has a bar built into a space ship :p
supposedly coming to gog on the 15th
That looks FUN! :-)
Gilozard: OK, I have to share this or I might explode.

I had an appointment today with a financial advisor from a large, modern firm. I've never been there before or met this person. I walk in on time, look for the guy I'm meeting.

He's not there, and he never told me the room number, so I don't know where to go.

I tell the receptionist "I'm Gilozard, I have an appointment at X time today", and everything dissolves into chaos because - apparently - this office uses separate physical appointment books and doesn't bother to tell the receptionist anything useful.

Hair salons, doctor's offices and pet grooming places can manage shared online calendars, or even shared physical calendars, but apparently not high-powered financial professionals?

Now, I have egg on my face too - I should have remembered the exact person I was meeting. But still - he didn't meet me, and left no way for the receptionist to know I was coming? Suddenly much less sure I want these people to be my financial advisors if they can't use Outlook effectively.
CarrionCrow: At a glance, it feels like one of two issues, if not both.

Disorganization and/or paranoia in regards to sharing who their clients are with each other.
Either scenario sends up a red flag to me.
Yeah. There's no good explanation for it really. I didn't help by not remembering who I was meeting with, but a good office should be able to handle that.
ElTerprise: Ah i see - but what about Diablo 3? Isn't that beatable in one run?
well my gaming habits are actually worse because "beating" a Paradox game or something like Terraria is not really possible ;)
Your list reminds me to finish Borderlands at some point....
To get any real value out of Diablo 3, you need to play it at heavier difficulties. The base level is a cakewalk, no challenge at all. Figuring I'll start hardcore, then keep ramping the challenge up until I either beat it all or end up foaming at the mouth when a character I've sank who knows many hours into dies permanently. -laughs-

Also, there's enough gameplay difference between the classes that it's not really dead without runs of all types.
If you play only as a demon hunter or wizard, you still have no idea what it's like playing as a barbarian or crusader.
Gilozard: Yeah. There's no good explanation for it really. I didn't help by not remembering who I was meeting with, but a good office should be able to handle that.
Correct. If nothing else, they're the people who want your business. They should be able to accommodate you on something as simple as matching a person to a client's appointment time.
BillyMaysFan59: Victory!!! I have successfully installed Arch Linux and am now dual booting it with Debian! :D

(It was quite the challenge too, no graphical installer so I did everything via command line with the Arch Wiki's help. It's..... not for the faint in heart ;)

Good afternoon everyone
Almost forgot. Good afternoon. =)

I have virtually no idea what you just said, but if you're happy, then I'm happy for you.
Post edited July 07, 2015 by CarrionCrow
superstande: wow! This game has a bar built into a space ship :p
I thought it looked very good - I just made a post about it in the "Upcoming" thread here. The comment I made was that usually I prefer Quest / RPG heavy versions of these games, as opposed to Economic / Trade Heavy (think Sea Dogs over, say Port Royale). But just the brief description and screens make me think this is one to keep an eye on. Especially as I've been in the mood for a pirate RPG - this could scratch that itch (Windward looked like a near miss - too little story, too much like another ship based action RPG clickfest I burned out on way too quickly - Drox Operative).
CarrionCrow: To get any real value out of Diablo 3, you need to play it at heavier difficulties. The base level is a cakewalk, no challenge at all. Figuring I'll start hardcore, then keep ramping the challenge up until I either beat it all or end up foaming at the mouth when a character I've sank who knows many hours into dies permanently. -laughs-

Also, there's enough gameplay difference between the classes that it's not really dead without runs of all types.
If you play only as a demon hunter or wizard, you still have no idea what it's like playing as a barbarian or crusader.
So actually Diablo 3 would probably be the game with the most runs needed from those on your list?
ElTerprise: So actually Diablo 3 would probably be the game with the most runs needed from those on your list?
Yes, that's right. Borderlands 2 would take 18 runs since there are six characters and three difficulty levels, but Diablo 3 has more since it restricts how many difficulty levels you can jump, requiring you to gradually go higher and higher.
CarrionCrow: Yes, that's right. Borderlands 2 would take 18 runs since there are six characters and three difficulty levels, but Diablo 3 has more since it restricts how many difficulty levels you can jump, requiring you to gradually go higher and higher. when you say beating a game you actually beating it until it's dead and buried without any chance to return :P
CarrionCrow: Yes, that's right. Borderlands 2 would take 18 runs since there are six characters and three difficulty levels, but Diablo 3 has more since it restricts how many difficulty levels you can jump, requiring you to gradually go higher and higher.
ElTerprise: when you say beating a game you actually beating it until it's dead and buried without any chance to return :P
There's beating it, and then there's killing it. Killing it means you've played it to death. You've done everything, there's nothing left, no reason to do so much as look at it, let alone play it again.