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CarrionCrow: Gotta say, my game list looks so much better on GOGWiki.
Very pleased that Barefoot Essentials got updated.

Meanwhile, on the GOG side of things, my friends page has been broken for over a month.
Instant Atlas bear every single time I click on it.
You're at 908 (!) now. Whoa....

oh and Hello Crow :)
Post edited July 07, 2015 by ElTerprise
CarrionCrow: Question for you - if I find a way to copy it over, would you be interested in having it?
Sure. As long as the wiki keeps my beautiful shelf that gog destroyed I am happy ;-)
CarrionCrow: Gotta say, my game list looks so much better on GOGWiki.
Very pleased that Barefoot Essentials got updated.

Meanwhile, on the GOG side of things, my friends page has been broken for over a month.
Instant Atlas bear every single time I click on it.
EndreWhiteMane: You gamelist looks like a store. ;)
Yeah...looking at it, I'm not going to get too upset if I miss a sale or two. -laughs-
ElTerprise: You're at 908 (!) now. Whoa....

oh and Hello Crow :)
Good evening. =)

Last month was kinda crazy...the jump from 800 to over 900 didn't take very long.
Post edited July 07, 2015 by CarrionCrow
EndreWhiteMane: You gamelist looks like a store. ;)
CarrionCrow: Yeah...looking at it, I'm not going to get too upset if I miss a sale or two. -laughs-
Let's see if you are still saying that when the next sale hits :P
OK, I have to share this or I might explode.

I had an appointment today with a financial advisor from a large, modern firm. I've never been there before or met this person. I walk in on time, look for the guy I'm meeting.

He's not there, and he never told me the room number, so I don't know where to go.

I tell the receptionist "I'm Gilozard, I have an appointment at X time today", and everything dissolves into chaos because - apparently - this office uses separate physical appointment books and doesn't bother to tell the receptionist anything useful.

Hair salons, doctor's offices and pet grooming places can manage shared online calendars, or even shared physical calendars, but apparently not high-powered financial professionals?

Now, I have egg on my face too - I should have remembered the exact person I was meeting. But still - he didn't meet me, and left no way for the receptionist to know I was coming? Suddenly much less sure I want these people to be my financial advisors if they can't use Outlook effectively.
Post edited July 07, 2015 by Gilozard
CarrionCrow: Question for you - if I find a way to copy it over, would you be interested in having it?
moonshineshadow: Sure. As long as the wiki keeps my beautiful shelf that gog destroyed I am happy ;-)
As soon as you sync up again, the list you've got now will be lost.
But I was looking, and it's possible to splice the images together by copying screenshots, cropping out the extras and stringing them together.
Image manipulation is pretty frigging far from my forte, but it looks like it's possible to save an image of the setup on the wiki by doing that. It's just time consuming to make it look right.
Post edited July 07, 2015 by CarrionCrow
BillyMaysFan59: Victory!!! I have successfully installed Arch Linux and am now dual booting it with Debian! :D
Jealous! For about a year now I've been dying to partition off my HD, maybe booting some version of Linux but I haven't had the nerve. Yes I'm a wuss.

moonshineshadow: Let's see if you are still saying that when the next sale hits :P
Might be sooner than you think. That Twitch stream line up for the weekend looks suspect...
CarrionCrow: Good evening. =)

Last month was kinda crazy...the jump from 800 to over 900 didn't take very long.
Well my gamelist also jumped quite a bit. It's great that the sync with the GOGwiki works again. Only annoyance is that the sorting is a mess...

How are you doing?
CarrionCrow: Yeah...looking at it, I'm not going to get too upset if I miss a sale or two. -laughs-
moonshineshadow: Let's see if you are still saying that when the next sale hits :P
Reality's slowly setting in a bit. I've got an 8 year backlog just for GOG items. My list is full of stuff I have idle curiosity about, stuff that doesn't seem like utter garbage aside from the titles I'd play just to experience their awfulness, but it's pretty small when I think about stuff I'm actually anywhere near excited playing.
moonshineshadow: Sure. As long as the wiki keeps my beautiful shelf that gog destroyed I am happy ;-)
CarrionCrow: As soon as you sync up again, the list you've got now will be lost.
But I was looking, and it's possible to splice the images together by copying screenshots, cropping out the extras and stringing them together.
Image manipulation is pretty frigging far from my forte, but it looks like it's possible to save an image of the setup on the wiki by doing that. It's just time consuming to make it look right.
Hmm... true. That would be an option. And not even difficult. I could even put in pictures from new games I added. Only question would be if it is possible to put such a large picture on the wiki.
I'll see if I am motivated to do that on the weekend
Gilozard: OK, I have to share this or I might explode.

I had an appointment today with a financial advisor from a large, modern firm. I've never been there before or met this person. I walk in on time, look for the guy I'm meeting.

He's not there, and he never told me the room number, so I don't know where to go.

I tell the receptionist "I'm Gilozard, I have an appointment at X time today", and everything dissolves into chaos because - apparently - this office uses separate physical appointment books and doesn't bother to tell the receptionist anything useful.

Hair salons, doctor's offices and pet grooming places can manage shared online calendars, or even shared physical calendars, but apparently not high-powered financial professionals?

Now, I have egg on my face too - I should have remembered the exact person I was meeting. But still - he didn't meet me, and left no way for the receptionist to know I was coming? Suddenly much less sure I want these people to be my financial advisors if they can't use Outlook effectively.
At a glance, it feels like one of two issues, if not both.

Disorganization and/or paranoia in regards to sharing who their clients are with each other.
Either scenario sends up a red flag to me.
BillyMaysFan59: Victory!!! I have successfully installed Arch Linux and am now dual booting it with Debian! :D

(It was quite the challenge too, no graphical installer so I did everything via command line with the Arch Wiki's help. It's..... not for the faint in heart ;)

Good afternoon everyone
Well Done! :)
Maybe I will have the courage some day.
moonshineshadow: Hmm... true. That would be an option. And not even difficult. I could even put in pictures from new games I added. Only question would be if it is possible to put such a large picture on the wiki.
I'll see if I am motivated to do that on the weekend
No idea on that one, but if nothing else, you could have a copy of it for yourself so the layout wouldn't be lost.
Might still have some degree of utility in that form.
ElTerprise: Well my gamelist also jumped quite a bit. It's great that the sync with the GOGwiki works again. Only annoyance is that the sorting is a mess...

How are you doing?
Can't complain here, loaded up a bunch of stuff overnight. Just have to decide what to play first.

How's your day been going?
Post edited July 07, 2015 by CarrionCrow
superstande: You should create your own Destiny :p
l0rdtr3k: Don't make me rerorerorero you.
:) Aargh!
I'm at this stage of tiredness after work and every silly thing seems worth saying, just giggling easily. Maybe heading to bed soon.
CarrionCrow: Can't complain here, loaded up a bunch of stuff overnight. Just have to decide what to play first.

How's your day been going?
Good to hear that. Ah the returning problem ;)

Day was good - did some cycling to and back from university - other than that i've been putting some more time into Terraria :)
Post edited July 07, 2015 by ElTerprise