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ddickinson: Have you noticed the new page bug on other threads? If it keeps happening more and more only on this thread, maybe we will have to make a new thread at some point. And an empty wishlist would be nice, but forces greater than me are making me have one again. :-)

Edit: If you could suggest one of the Rayman games here, which would it be?
I think it happened in some other threads as well but i mostly experience that here. That might be inevitable. Ok i see ;)

Well i only the last two Rayman Origins and Rayman Legends. I definitely recommend both of them - they're great fun. The latter is unfortunately infected by Uplay though. Haven't played the old ones yet. Rayman Origins got me into the series and my avatar is from that game too :)
ddickinson: That is good to hear. :-)

The only one I have played is Mind, and for me it was not a good game. The landscapes are lovely, but I found the story to be over-hyped and not that good (especially the ending), and the puzzles just became boring and repetitive. BUT, many people seem to like it, so don't just take my negative look on it, see what the others have to say.
Luckily I don't pay attention to hype, good or bad. I enjoy games more when I expect nothing :-) MIND looks interesting to me, but that is because I'm a sucker for anything in the first-person perspective.

I think I may be becoming a graphics snob ô__ô ... not in the "The Witcher 3 was downgraded and now I can't see the eyelashes" way, I don't care about that... but I'm just getting so bored with "retro" graphics in new games. One of the bullet-points for Metrocide is "pixel-art style", which automatically turns me off... On the other hand, I do love Wadjet Eye's adventure games, so I guess I'm a hypocrite :-p

Screen Cheat looks like a really interesting idea, but I'm not into multiplayer... Skip...

Nothing really jumps out at me this week.
ElTerprise: I think it happened in some other threads as well but i mostly experience that here. That might be inevitable. Ok i see ;)

Well i only the last two Rayman Origins and Rayman Legends. I definitely recommend both of them - they're great fun. The latter is unfortunately infected by Uplay though. Haven't played the old ones yet. Rayman Origins got me into the series and my avatar is from that game too :)
If it happens elsewhere then maybe it is a bug. If we spend most of our time on this thread we are bound to see it more on here.

Thank you for the advice. I have no intention of putting up with Uplay and things like that. I will look into Rayman Origins. I am looking through some platformers to add to my list as they can be quite fun to play with my partner.

AgentBirdnest: Luckily I don't pay attention to hype, good or bad. I enjoy games more when I expect nothing :-) MIND looks interesting to me, but that is because I'm a sucker for anything in the first-person perspective.

I think I may be becoming a graphics snob ô__ô ... not in the "The Witcher 3 was downgraded and now I can't see the eyelashes" way, I don't care about that... but I'm just getting so bored with "retro" graphics in new games. One of the bullet-points for Metrocide is "pixel-art style", which automatically turns me off... On the other hand, I do love Wadjet Eye's adventure games, so I guess I'm a hypocrite :-p

Screen Cheat looks like a really interesting idea, but I'm not into multiplayer... Skip...

Nothing really jumps out at me this week.
I know what you mean, I am tired of this lazy "retro" phase. I don't mind a game having low graphics, but there are limits, and most do the whole "retro" thing to be lazy, not because they are going for that style. It's even worse when these "retro" games have higher specs than modern 3D games. I am not a fan of pixel-art for the most part. Some are good, with a unique style and good game/story, but we have so many pixel platformers and top down shooters and things now that all look the same.

You might like Mind, but I just found it dull. It is a lovely looking game, with some beautiful landscape scenes. The story makes little sense, and the puzzles get to be more repetitive than hard, although some make no sense and with little hints it can take a while to figure out what to do. I got it for very cheap in a bundle some time ago.
ddickinson: i would love having an empty wishlist, it has been empty for a week or so. But my partner sometimes goes on my account and gifts me a game, and she made me promise to populate my wishlist and stop hiding it. I even have to put on games that I am only slightly interested in. I gave my word, so I have to do it now. And she is definitely very influential, and knows exactly how to get me to do things I don't really want to do. :-)
-laughs- That's love for you.
ddickinson: If it happens elsewhere then maybe it is a bug. If we spend most of our time on this thread we are bound to see it more on here.

Thank you for the advice. I have no intention of putting up with Uplay and things like that. I will look into Rayman Origins. I am looking through some platformers to add to my list as they can be quite fun to play with my partner. not like GOG is bugfree ;)

Well Rayman Origins might be really good then. Can understand that you don't want to put something like uplay your PC. I still hope that Ubisoft might release some of their newer games like in AC 2 and Driver San Francisco or Rayman Legends) here although i'm not really optimistic about it...
Which is a shame because i think Legends is bit better than Origins and the music levels from it are fantastic..
CarrionCrow: -laughs- That's love for you.
She is one of only two people who can made me do things I don't want to, and she is by far the most effective of the two (the other being my mother). It's nice to have someone look out for me and stop me over thinking things or doing something too silly.

ElTerprise: not like GOG is bugfree ;)

Well Rayman Origins might be really good then. Can understand that you don't want to put something like uplay your PC. I still hope that Ubisoft might release some of their newer games like in AC 2 and Driver San Francisco or Rayman Legends) here although i'm not really optimistic about it...
Which is a shame because i think Legends is bit better than Origins and the music levels from it are fantastic..
I don't think they will be coming here, them or the other big publishers. They seem set on using their own platforms, and show no real sign of dropping DRM. We might get some really old games, which would be nice, but probably not any recent games.
Post edited July 06, 2015 by ddickinson
ElTerprise: I think it happened in some other threads as well but i mostly experience that here. That might be inevitable. Ok i see ;)

Well i only the last two Rayman Origins and Rayman Legends. I definitely recommend both of them - they're great fun. The latter is unfortunately infected by Uplay though. Haven't played the old ones yet. Rayman Origins got me into the series and my avatar is from that game too :)
ddickinson: If it happens elsewhere then maybe it is a bug. If we spend most of our time on this thread we are bound to see it more on here.

Thank you for the advice. I have no intention of putting up with Uplay and things like that. I will look into Rayman Origins. I am looking through some platformers to add to my list as they can be quite fun to play with my partner.
I think the bug with the new page not showing and the problem with linking to certain posts, is related to how the forum is structured. Normally there is a certain number of posts per page and everything works fine. But I have a feeling that as soon as a certain number of posts has been deleted due to the report function, the whole structure breaks and the forum software is confused because the pages do not start anymore with the normal post number.

In in regards to Rayman, they are all fun, the first one is sometimes quite hard. The others are all really cool. And Origins can be played in co-op, which is quite fun :D

ElTerprise: Which is a shame because i think Legends is bit better than Origins and the music levels from it are fantastic..
Yes. The music levels are so great. I love them.
That reminds me that I could play a bit WiiU this evening :D
Post edited July 06, 2015 by moonshineshadow
ddickinson: I don't think they will be coming here, them or the other big publishers. They seem set on using their own platforms, and show no real sign of dropping DRM. We might get some really old games, which would be nice, but probably not any recent games.
Yes..but even some more old games would be nice.

moonshineshadow: Yes. The music levels are so great. I love them.
That reminds me that I could play a bit WiiU this evening :D
Yes and i hear the WiiU is the best platform for Rayman Legends control wise - which doesn't mean it controls badly on the PC but it's apparently better to control Murfy with the WiiU Controller :)
moonshineshadow: I think the bug with the new page not showing and the problem with linking to certain posts, is related to how the forum is structured. Normally there is a certain number of posts per page and everything works fine. But I have a feeling that as soon as a certain number of posts has been deleted due to the report function, the whole structure breaks and the forum software is confused because the pages do not start anymore with the normal post number.

In in regards to Rayman, they are all fun, the first one is sometimes quite hard. The others are all really cool. And Origins can be played in co-op, which is quite fun :D
That could be it. It did seem to start once we had a few posts deleted as spam. Who knows, hopefully it won't get worse.

I will have a closer look at the Rayman games. I have 20+ games so far, but I am slowly looking through them and removing some I definitely don't like, or that are sequels to games where I have not played the first one yet, such as Gothic 2 & 3, which would be on the list, but I want to try the first game before I get the sequels.

ElTerprise: Yes..but even some more old games would be nice.
It would be nice, and judging by the quality of some of their newer games it would be better to get some older games rather than the new ones. :-)
moonshineshadow: I think the bug with the new page not showing and the problem with linking to certain posts, is related to how the forum is structured. Normally there is a certain number of posts per page and everything works fine. But I have a feeling that as soon as a certain number of posts has been deleted due to the report function, the whole structure breaks and the forum software is confused because the pages do not start anymore with the normal post number.

In in regards to Rayman, they are all fun, the first one is sometimes quite hard. The others are all really cool. And Origins can be played in co-op, which is quite fun :D
ddickinson: That could be it. It did seem to start once we had a few posts deleted as spam. Who knows, hopefully it won't get worse.

I will have a closer look at the Rayman games. I have 20+ games so far, but I am slowly looking through them and removing some I definitely don't like, or that are sequels to games where I have not played the first one yet, such as Gothic 2 & 3, which would be on the list, but I want to try the first game before I get the sequels.

ElTerprise: Yes..but even some more old games would be nice.
ddickinson: It would be nice, and judging by the quality of some of their newer games it would be better to get some older games rather than the new ones. :-)
*tackle hug* I Love you,D!As a friend of course.
ANyway,how was your weekend? I sprained my ankle last night at a party
ddickinson: I know what you mean, I am tired of this lazy "retro" phase. I don't mind a game having low graphics, but there are limits, and most do the whole "retro" thing to be lazy, not because they are going for that style. It's even worse when these "retro" games have higher specs than modern 3D games. I am not a fan of pixel-art for the most part. Some are good, with a unique style and good game/story, but we have so many pixel platformers and top down shooters and things now that all look the same.

You might like Mind, but I just found it dull. It is a lovely looking game, with some beautiful landscape scenes. The story makes little sense, and the puzzles get to be more repetitive than hard, although some make no sense and with little hints it can take a while to figure out what to do. I got it for very cheap in a bundle some time ago.
Some "retro" style games hit me just right, but there are very few. For me to be interested, it usually has to have a very unique mechanic or something not done before (I loved VVVVVV's gravity reversal, for example)... but for the most part, retro games just make me think "Why? Didn't we already play this 24 years ago?" (Similar to the way I think about all these remakes/sequels to 20-30 year old movies that are coming out.)
I think I let Wadjet Eye games get a pass because in my eyes, the adventure genre doesn't age quite like other genres do. It seemed to have a bigger drop in quality than any other genre, and still has not recovered. (Also, Blackwell and Resonance are just really, really good :-D)

I'd probably like Mind, because of the simple fact that I like everything ... I always find something to like about games these days, being the positive person that I am :-)
l0rdtr3k: *tackle hug* I Love you,D!As a friend of course.
ANyway,how was your weekend? I sprained my ankle last night at a party
Hello, little blob! *big hug*

Sorry to hear you sprained your ankle. Will it be okay?

My weekend was very nice, thank you.

AgentBirdnest: Some "retro" style games hit me just right, but there are very few. For me to be interested, it usually has to have a very unique mechanic or something not done before (I loved VVVVVV's gravity reversal, for example)... but for the most part, retro games just make me think "Why? Didn't we already play this 24 years ago?" (Similar to the way I think about all these remakes/sequels to 20-30 year old movies that are coming out.)
I think I let Wadjet Eye games get a pass because in my eyes, the adventure genre doesn't age quite like other genres do. It seemed to have a bigger drop in quality than any other genre, and still has not recovered. (Also, Blackwell and Resonance are just really, really good :-D)

I'd probably like Mind, because of the simple fact that I like everything ... I always find something to like about games these days, being the positive person that I am :-)
I know what you mean about adventure games. I did not think I would like The Last Door, but I was gifted it and I really enjoyed the game. I think the graphics could have been better, but you get used to them and it did not stop the game building a lovely atmosphere.

You will have to let me know if you get Mind and like it. It would be interesting to see your take on the game, especially the ending.
Well, fuck. Just thought to myself that Geometry Dash isn't even a platformer, it's a solely timing-based game, and right while I'm thinking that I really don't like that sub-genre, I find out that my saves got wiped since this game doesn't have cloud saving.

Time to start over.
l0rdtr3k: *tackle hug* I Love you,D!As a friend of course.
ANyway,how was your weekend? I sprained my ankle last night at a party
ddickinson: Hello, little blob! *big hug*

Sorry to hear you sprained your ankle. Will it be okay?

My weekend was very nice, thank you.

AgentBirdnest: Some "retro" style games hit me just right, but there are very few. For me to be interested, it usually has to have a very unique mechanic or something not done before (I loved VVVVVV's gravity reversal, for example)... but for the most part, retro games just make me think "Why? Didn't we already play this 24 years ago?" (Similar to the way I think about all these remakes/sequels to 20-30 year old movies that are coming out.)
I think I let Wadjet Eye games get a pass because in my eyes, the adventure genre doesn't age quite like other genres do. It seemed to have a bigger drop in quality than any other genre, and still has not recovered. (Also, Blackwell and Resonance are just really, really good :-D)

I'd probably like Mind, because of the simple fact that I like everything ... I always find something to like about games these days, being the positive person that I am :-)
ddickinson: I know what you mean about adventure games. I did not think I would like The Last Door, but I was gifted it and I really enjoyed the game. I think the graphics could have been better, but you get used to them and it did not stop the game building a lovely atmosphere.

You will have to let me know if you get Mind and like it. It would be interesting to see your take on the game, especially the ending.
It hurts like hell and I can't walk straight.But I'm ok.
CarrionCrow: Well, fuck. Just thought to myself that Geometry Dash isn't even a platformer, it's a solely timing-based game, and right while I'm thinking that I really don't like that sub-genre, I find out that my saves got wiped since this game doesn't have cloud saving.

Time to start over.
It is always annoying when you lose your saves. I had that with Machinarium, it is a Flash game and I had my local storage disabled for Flash, which it turns out means the game saves wipe after you exit the game. That was annoying, but luckily I found out quite early in the game.

l0rdtr3k: It hurts like hell and I can't walk straight.But I'm ok.
Have you seen a doctor? Did they say how long it would take to get better? Do you have to work with your injury?