Posted July 05, 2015

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted July 05, 2015

Registered: Jan 2012
From Finland
Posted July 05, 2015
Happy Morning!
My internet got screwed up... Asking a security code that I don't have... Have to call the company...
Maybe it was that Rambo III last night - the internet just blew up from this mega war movie :p
Otherwise just the usual coffee and Xenonauts...
My internet got screwed up... Asking a security code that I don't have... Have to call the company...
Maybe it was that Rambo III last night - the internet just blew up from this mega war movie :p
Otherwise just the usual coffee and Xenonauts...

Get off my lawn!
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted July 05, 2015

My internet got screwed up... Asking a security code that I don't have... Have to call the company...
Maybe it was that Rambo III last night - the internet just blew up from this mega war movie :p
Otherwise just the usual coffee and Xenonauts...
Still waiting for all of the fireworks to die down. :-)

RangerLady Grey
These fragments I have shored against my ruins
Registered: Jun 2014
From Other
Posted July 05, 2015

My internet got screwed up... Asking a security code that I don't have... Have to call the company...
Maybe it was that Rambo III last night - the internet just blew up from this mega war movie :p
Otherwise just the usual coffee and Xenonauts...
I'm also enjoying coffee, but no gaming at the moment, just checking the forums. Hope all is well with you.
Goede morgen - and welcome!
There's usually somebody enjoying a decent game here, and often someone just talking about decent games. Or talking about all sorts of other things as well, anything goes here. :-)
Post edited July 05, 2015 by ZenWan

RangerLady Grey
These fragments I have shored against my ruins
Registered: Jun 2014
From Other
Posted July 05, 2015

Ginger is wonderful for nausea, any kind of ginger, even powdered. If that's what you have, mix a teaspoonful in hot water with a little lemon juice and sip it. You can use as much ginger as you like / need.
It should help, and won't interfere with any medications either.
Post edited July 05, 2015 by ZenWan

Registered: Jun 2014
From Germany
Posted July 05, 2015
Good morning, everyone.
Yeah that sounds tough, then. But as it seems, you have a beautiful view on the sea and some constant breezes. That makes up for the heat, eh?
Yeah that sounds tough, then. But as it seems, you have a beautiful view on the sea and some constant breezes. That makes up for the heat, eh?

Registered: Jan 2012
From Finland
Posted July 05, 2015

My internet got screwed up... Asking a security code that I don't have... Have to call the company...
Maybe it was that Rambo III last night - the internet just blew up from this mega war movie :p
Otherwise just the usual coffee and Xenonauts...

Still waiting for all of the fireworks to die down. :-)
Thanks for the link - youtube went on to choose an old John Wayne movie based on your song, and that's also quite pleasant in the background :)
And Good Morning ZenWan!
Post edited July 05, 2015 by superstande

"LOL LOL whazza chiggi chugga - love you people!"
Registered: Jul 2013
From United States
Posted July 05, 2015
So I saw part of the movie Snowpiercer and it was AWESOME! Im going to try to watch it in entirety next week.

RangerLady Grey
These fragments I have shored against my ruins
Registered: Jun 2014
From Other
Posted July 05, 2015

But yes, those early morning walks make up for (almost) all the other problems associated with living here.
No hangover? Your head must be made of iron..
Good morning to you! Happy that your internet seems to be working, and you're able to be online again. :-D
Post edited July 05, 2015 by ZenWan

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted July 05, 2015
Sheesh...forgot how much fun it is trying to remember what to reinstall after a computer format.

RangerLady Grey
These fragments I have shored against my ruins
Registered: Jun 2014
From Other
Posted July 05, 2015

Here's a really good (and trustworthy) program to help you with that. I have used it for a long time, never had any issues with it. Keeps all your programs updated as well.
Edited to try to 'bold' that URL, but that never works.
Ha! and now it works, must be magic.
Post edited July 05, 2015 by ZenWan

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted July 05, 2015

Here's a really good (and trustworthy) program to help you with that. I have used it for a long time, never had any issues with it. Keeps all your programs updated as well.
Edited to try to 'bold' that URL, but that never works.
Ha! and now it works, must be magic.
Just bookmarked your link, I'll make use of that to keep everything in good working order. Thank you. =)
Post edited July 05, 2015 by CarrionCrow

Registered: Jun 2014
From Germany
Posted July 05, 2015

But yes, those early morning walks make up for (almost) all the other problems associated with living here.
No hangover? Your head must be made of iron..
But yeah. Blood and Iron is what they say ^^