NoxTM: Thanks! And yes, the pain does seem to decrease a bit when taking them... unless it's just because it's taking the focus away! Hah. In a way I hope they didn't work, because now I'm not sure which set of issues is worse. Hey ho. Hopefully the nausea and trembling will subside the more I take 'em.
I still remember some of my time with painkillers after my operation, not a very nice time. The first part was okay, because I was out of it on life support, but the latter part was not nice. I hate taking medication, especially the kind that make me sleepy or nauseous and things like that.
I hope the medication just needs a little time to settle down and it won't keep causing you so much trouble. Maybe talk to your doctor about it and see if there are any alternative medications you could take with less side effects?
ElTerprise: Well i wanted to use something different and
ik kan net gut opp platt snacken :P
It all just looks like made up gibberish to me. But then I am only bilingual. :-)
Soccorro: Jiggle technology? Do you mean her breasts? Yeah, makes the game extra difficult... And the game has basically kept the beautiful prerendered environment and put in HD characters.
It's not as bad as Tomb Raider when they did it. To be honest, I have had the game for years and I never even knew about the jiggle stuff until the remake when people were talking about it. I thought at first it was something new they put in, but when I had a look it is in the original version but I just never noticed. From what I have seen, the characters on the HD version look a lot like the Gamecube version.
The games looked great on the Gamecube, and I think the Resident Evil Remake was a fine example of a remake done well. Resident Evil 0 was not too good (IMO), but the first few games are great. I think I have most if not all of the Resident Evil games for the Gamecube. Number 2 was always one of my favourites, with the multiple scenarios.