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Soccorro: not really, what ybout you?

Oh wait, got myself Resident evil Hd remaster! It's 45% off on gamesrocket (50% if you're from anywhere except germany)
Just work and then some lovely time with my partner this evening and tomorrow.

I have the Resident Evil game on the GameCube, along with Resident Evil 0 that is due to be released on PC soon.

LaPtiteBete: Good morning, wonder-DD !!
Good, not great ?... :-| (that's it... since you're always doing "great", we worry when you are only "good" :-)
I'm very good, thanks. Enjoying a restful and hot day with the owlets. I bought a little inflatable swimming pool and they had lots of fun yesterday evening... I'll throw them in it again tomorrow ! when the temperatures will have lower a little...
Tomorrow we'll celebrate my eldest owlet's birthday with 9 of his school friends :)
What about you ? looking forwards to your evening ?...
**Big weekend happy hug**
If it was not for the fact that I hurt my arm earlier due to some machinery coming loose then I would be doing great. But my arm is quite painful at the moment. Nothing serious, and I am sure it will be good as new in no time.

I am glad to hear you are doing very good, and that you are having a lovely day with your Owlets. A swimming pool? Surly you mean a bird bath. :-)

I remember your action packed evening, full of laser shooting. I hope he has lots of fun with his friends.

I am looking forward to my evening, it is usually the highlight of my week. I am going to pick some flowers once I am finished today, some pretty wild flowers from the meadow, and maybe a few red roses from my garden to finish it off. I am sure she will love them.

*big happy weekend hug*

AgentBirdnest: Woohoo!! Thanks for the badge! (and thanks to Owl of course!) I'm so happy! Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth! (Stolen from Lou Gehrig's retirement speech, given 76 years ago today :-))

Now... I need to find something to burn to the ground today... It is a perfect excuse >:-)

*Big treasonous hug*
I am very glad to hear you are so happy today. That is always wonderful to hear and puts a big smile on my face. :-)

*big super happy American (bacon covered in chocolate and peanut butter) hug*
Oh man. I'm too tired to go through all your posts and give snarky remarks. Fucking heat stopping me from being negative. This sucks.
CarrionCrow: Well. This has been a bit of a fucked day. Nothing says fun like spending hours and shelling out cash to do tech support.

Kinda makes me wish I could take a claw hammer to the virus maker's spine, that sweet spot right at the base of the skull.
Not enough to kill them, but enough to leave them paralyzed from the neck down so they can eventually die due to a combination of malnutrition and pressure sores after I chuck them down the basement stairs and leave them there to pray for death in the dark when they're not spending their time hoping that some scurrying bug will crawl in their mouth so they can have even the tiniest amount of sustenance as they wither and rot in a pile of their own filth.
I infer from your tale of woe that some virus infected your computer, and thus you were forced to call tech-support to solve the issue. Was it a ransomware type by any chance? I find those types both funny and extremely irritating for obvious reasons.

At least you managed to wipe it off your system?

And you're too nice, his punishment must be more severe.

Put headphones on him and make him listen to Justin Bieber songs on a loop.

When his mind is filled with nothing but "baby baby baby...." Then you can give him permission to die.
Post edited July 04, 2015 by j0ekerr
Soccorro: not really, what ybout you?

Oh wait, got myself Resident evil Hd remaster! It's 45% off on gamesrocket (50% if you're from anywhere except germany)
ddickinson: Just work and then some lovely time with my partner this evening and tomorrow.

I have the Resident Evil game on the GameCube, along with Resident Evil 0 that is due to be released on PC soon.

LaPtiteBete: Good morning, wonder-DD !!
Good, not great ?... :-| (that's it... since you're always doing "great", we worry when you are only "good" :-)
I'm very good, thanks. Enjoying a restful and hot day with the owlets. I bought a little inflatable swimming pool and they had lots of fun yesterday evening... I'll throw them in it again tomorrow ! when the temperatures will have lower a little...
Tomorrow we'll celebrate my eldest owlet's birthday with 9 of his school friends :)
What about you ? looking forwards to your evening ?...
**Big weekend happy hug**
ddickinson: If it was not for the fact that I hurt my arm earlier due to some machinery coming loose then I would be doing great. But my arm is quite painful at the moment. Nothing serious, and I am sure it will be good as new in no time.

I am glad to hear you are doing very good, and that you are having a lovely day with your Owlets. A swimming pool? Surly you mean a bird bath. :-)

I remember your action packed evening, full of laser shooting. I hope he has lots of fun with his friends.

I am looking forward to my evening, it is usually the highlight of my week. I am going to pick some flowers once I am finished today, some pretty wild flowers from the meadow, and maybe a few red roses from my garden to finish it off. I am sure she will love them.

*big happy weekend hug*

AgentBirdnest: Woohoo!! Thanks for the badge! (and thanks to Owl of course!) I'm so happy! Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth! (Stolen from Lou Gehrig's retirement speech, given 76 years ago today :-))

Now... I need to find something to burn to the ground today... It is a perfect excuse >:-)

*Big treasonous hug*
ddickinson: I am very glad to hear you are so happy today. That is always wonderful to hear and puts a big smile on my face. :-)

*big super happy American (bacon covered in chocolate and peanut butter) hug*
Camecube? Cool! Can't wait to try the HD version! The last time i've played this was... when i didn't and a friend played instead... haha the game made me run out of the room...Ohmygodi'mgoingtodie...
Post edited July 04, 2015 by Soccorro
gunsynd: Hi All,
Bloody freezing down here:-)
And loving it.
Goddamned southern hemisphere and its crazy weather.
Post edited July 04, 2015 by j0ekerr
Hello everyone, how are you?
AgentBirdnest: I'd say for one of these reasons...
1 - I'm an American. We love explosions... :-)
2 - I'm an Agent. We handle explosives all the time while performing the art of sabotage B-|
3 - I've not been too secretive about my love for burning and blowing up things >:-D
4 - Doesn't everyone like explosions? :-) They are colourful and hypnotic @__@
5 - FIRE!!! WOOOOO!!! \o/

No worries! :-)
*Colourful explosive hug with bonus hotdogs* :-D
I believe Valencians have you beaten on the fire department.

As for explosions, I'm lacking data on the amount of thumbs lost every year.
Post edited July 04, 2015 by j0ekerr
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Hello everyone, how are you?
Hello. Quite good but i'm having a headache due to the heat... what about you?
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Hello everyone, how are you?
ElTerprise: Hello. Quite good but i'm having a headache due to the heat... what about you?
Oh so sad to hear! :( I'm doing good, I'm boosting GTA Online Rank on my xbox 360.
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Oh so sad to hear! :( I'm doing good, I'm boosting GTA Online Rank on my xbox 360.
Don't'll be okay....never actually played GTA online...
gunsynd: Hi All,
Bloody freezing down here:-)
And loving it.
j0ekerr: Goddamned southern hemisphere and its crazy weather.
You do realize it's the best part of the world.
Hi XxX.
Post edited July 04, 2015 by gunsynd
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Oh so sad to hear! :( I'm doing good, I'm boosting GTA Online Rank on my xbox 360.
ElTerprise: Don't'll be okay....never actually played GTA online...
Alright! :) It's the online portion of Grand theft auto V
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Alright! :) It's the online portion of Grand theft auto V
Yes. I know but i never really had the interest in playing it...
j0ekerr: Goddamned southern hemisphere and its crazy weather.
gunsynd: You do realize it's the best part of the world.
Hi XxX.
Except for the animals. And the temperature. And the skincancer. And the lack of good online servers for some games.
Best part of the world goes from Belgium to Poland and from Svalbard to Venice/Milan. (+ Finland)
gunsynd: You do realize it's the best part of the world.
Hi XxX.
I cannot argue with that. When a place has spiders large to enough to wrap their legs around your head there is no argument to be made against its awesomeness.

I can only think of [url=]one better place.[/url]
Post edited July 04, 2015 by j0ekerr