l0rdtr3k: WoW is amazing,I just love the lore,characters,world and he brazilian community is pretty friendly.
ANd I'm doing fine,thank you.How're you and your partner?
Glad to hear you are enjoying the game, and that you are doing fine.
Everything is going well with me and my partner, the weather is a bit hot to be outdoors most of the day, but other than that I am doing good today.
Soccorro: Oh, what about the silent treatment? :D and wait...who is following america everywhere? ah yes! Its the BRITISH GOVERNMENT! :D *Moves Basilica Cannon into position, just in case DD gets mad*
*Sees some guy dressed in an American flag suit and yelling in German and moving a pop-gun around.* :-)
LaPtiteBete: Hey, no problem, ni hurry, no anything :-D
Considering that I take many days to answer yours, plus !! ...
**Bigger happier hug** You're really so adorable. You deserve more fancy badges !! :)
Adorable? Thank you. :-)
*big thank you hug for the lovely Owl, who is also so very adorable and wonderful*
LaPtiteBete: So... you don't want to be a leader, or a President, or even a Treasurer... I thought you would be happy to get a little more involved in our Club... it's not like you had harassing days of work !! ;-p
**running away** Moon is the leader of the club, so she can deal with it all. And I think you would make a good club president.
And why all the running? Owls can fly you know. :-)
Oh, and ELT is now the gifting leader. Me and Moon decided on that over the weekend. :-)
*more happy hugs*