EndreWhiteMane: Has there been anything new discovered that may help you eat properly?
I hope you and the family are doing at least OK at the moment, and Sarge too.
I just had another endoscopy so they could inject botox into the valve at the base of my stomach, in hopes that it will deaden the nerve in the valve and it will allow the valve to stay open and let food drain from my stomach to my intestines... it's not likely this will help, but I thought it was worth a shot, as the next step will be a feeding tube. Aside from my iron being really low and the weight loss in general though, I'm actually feeling better this week, so maybe the botox will actually do some good. Fingers crossed!
The lady and I are doing wonderfully otherwise, as is Sarge. We may have to put him on a sensitive stomach diet himself, so I got a new food bowl to slow his eating in the mean time. He took to it like it was a new toy and seemed to enjoy the hell out of it, so that went swimmingly. :)
ElTerprise: Hello. Sorry to hear about those issues - i hope it's better now :)
I'm doing well indeed.
Getting there, bit by bit. :) Glad you're doing well yourself!
moonshineshadow: .
moonshineshadow: *extra big hug* Are things getting better?
Getting better, a little at a time. :) Thanks!