ddickinson: And GOG has admitted to having a game with DRM, DRM which they have know about for several years. So much for their last core principle. :-(
EndreWhiteMane: Morning to you, yes doing OK today.
*returns non-yucky hug*
ddickinson: That's good to hear. Anything nice planned for the day?
It's nice and sunny here, but way too hot. Perfect shorts weather, and perfect for a nice swim in the lake after work to cool down. :-)
The DRM thing is a bit of a tempest in a teacup in my opinion.
I can't think of anything as nice as watching farm girls in shorts swimming in the lake. Perhaps I'll go for a ride in the country later. :-)
EndreWhiteMane: Oh yeah.......right.
LaPtiteBete: (Agent think we're in September, 2008... :-\)
Ah, that explains.......very little. ;)