CarrionCrow: Yes, the weather still feels like being slow roasted. Only 2 more months to go of it, though. I'm sure they'll just fly by...
Slow days are good sometimes. Gives you a chance to not feel like you're being run into the ground with work.
Long weekends are much better, though. Happy to hear that yours was such a good one. =)
It has started getting warmer here, not as hot as you, but still getting hot, and being out most of the day in the sun is not always easy, especially with such a physical job. What kind of top temperatures do you normally get during summer?
Slow days are nice. I usually try to make the start of the week more slow to ease me back in to work after my Sunday off. The hot days can make things harder, especially making sure the animals are okay, with food, water, shade, and things like that. It can be a problem for the crops as well, but generally most crops are quite hardy and can manage okay, provided the weather is not too bad.
Thank you. Long weekends are lovely, but they make it so hard being back at work. :-)
Vnlr: It's currently 00:07 on my pc's clock ... I'll be going to bed soon but for the sake of D&D which ended only about an hour ago I had another cup of weak coffee. I would rather sit here chatting a bit and letting it wear off instead of spasting about my bed with energy to spare ;)
The best friend arrived around 4 pm, and since that hour till 11 pm the players have been hunting after a shapeshifter through an elvish cityscape. I'd drop them a hint but were all having such a blast trying to find out who in their surroundings the doppelganger was and trying out supposedly loose ends that I didn't.
My little brother is a real genius at shutting down his brain and roleplaying a drunk dwarf who has trouble keeping up with his surroundings, It makes you wonder wether there isn't really something amiss in his head :D
edit: done formulating this post, and it's 00:15 now
It sounds like you had a very fun evening. I have never played anything like D&D, the closest I cam would have been playing Warhammer 40,000 with my brothers, or usually just watching them play while I was reading the Codex and books.
Do you play and enjoy a lot of D&D?