j0ekerr: It is, the whole thing reeks of political intrigue, since this new independent party that has won the mayoral election for Madrid is a thorn on the side of the conservative
and ruling party.
Guess what party was mayor before them?
Didn't read about those tooth aches, sorry about those, they can be quite, intense. And now you've reminded me of my impacted wisdom tooth.
Yes pretty much so. I guess the previous mayor was from the PP :)
Thank you but the toothache thankfully vanished. Impacted wisdom tooth doesn't sound too good. Hopefully it isnt too bad...
CarrionCrow: Didn't start drinking coffee until my first office job. Probably for the best, if I'd done so sooner, I would have been bouncing off the walls all the time.
Ah, the days before drug tolerance kicked in...
Well i started about ten years ago when i was 15 - 16. Which wasn't that much of surprise as both my parents are really cofffee junkies :)
moonshineshadow: You talking about coffee again? That is good. Since that is so uninteresting that it makes me sleepy :P
*good night hugs and waves*
Sorry about the coffee talk. Good Night *big good night hug* and sleep well :)