XxXSprayvWarXxX: It's pretty pretty bad actually, because if we get out of Europe, it will be so difficult to live with these low value currency we will have (Drachms), so I don't want tobe out of the Eupope!, but the Eurogroup really push us a lot, but nothing would happen if our president didn't push anything to them. The result will be pretty disastrous, and I don;t know if we could survive with this currency. What about you?
In my opinion that the Austerity is wrong. Greece needs something like the Marshall Plan and / or a haircut instead. Granted it also needs reforms but not at the expense of the poor and the old. A shock doctrine doesn't help at all. And the worst thing is that all europeans were lied to. The money sent to greek went mostly straight to the banks and not to those who needed it.
The European Union is nothing more than a henchmen for global corporations and the FIRE-sector. It forgot about its original aims. To have equal opportunities in Europe...
And you know what. I think it's good that you have a democratic choice because most of the decisions made during the crisis on the european level were made by institutions not democratically legitimised...
Don't get me wrong. I'm staunch supporter of he European Idea but i'm not a friend of the current state of the European Union.