l0rdtr3k: Is not a very rare card,so yes.
ddickinson: That's good then. Do you enjoy the cards?
ElTerprise: Well i can't think of many other markets. But the main problem is that the vast majority of gamers accept this treatment. I mean gamers could let their wallets speak, they could make a difference. But that won't happen. Too many people still preorder or buy badly ported or optimised games (especially Triple-A titles, i can accept that from an indie developer to a certain degree but not from a big developer/publisher).
ddickinson: That's true. If only they had voted with their wallets on the bad points of gaming, we would have no DRM, the lazy developers and publishers would be out of business (or forced to put some effort into things), and we would have a lovely game market.
Should indie developers be given more leeway with the bad practices? I do not thing so. They should be help to the same standards, with in reason of course. Bad practices are bad practices, no matter how big or small a company is. Indies should never be let off lightly for broken games, failed promises, and other things like that, just as the AAA developers and publishers should not.
Been playing of 5 years.