AgentBirdnest: Indeed. I can go back to getting excited and hoping for No One Lives Forever every Tuesday and Thursday :-)
Ugh... "Retro"... enough of this already. I agree, it seems like laziness more than anything... they could at least have the decency to make these games actually playable on a system older than 2011 :-| Many of them look like they could work on a calculator.
Hm... Nothing comes to mind. I'll let you know. In the meantime, just sit there and don't cut my limbs off ;-)
I know what you mean. It's bad when a game comes out looking like an early 90s console game, yet requires a high spec system and more resources than the Witcher 2. I guess it's lazy optimisation, as well as lazy gameplay and graphics. Some look lovely, but most now just seem so bare, basic, and often very overpriced.
Okay, but if you think of something be sure to let us know. And don't worry, I only cut limbs of heretics and naughty people. :-)