Stilton: Game development, TV and movies seem to attract brilliant minds as well as truly disjointed ones. Pity there isn't some kind of censorship where the nutters are shown a door into a dark room where the floor's missing and thirty feet below are some hungry crocodiles looking up and smacking their chops. It would save the public an awful lot of time and money.
To me, there's two kinds of crazy when it comes to entertainment.
There's enjoyable crazy, which I actually seek out, and then there's gratingly unpleasant crazy, which gets on my nerves.
At the same time, we don't want to lump something like Fahrenheit into that because it's not crazy at all.
The writer's just a goddamn hack.
Some people have said that Hatoful is a spoof of the visual novel dating sim thing.
Problem is, it's sickeningly unpleasant right off the bat, so any grand vision they had of satirizing the status quo is thwarted by the spiked obnoxiousness level of their creation.